Available online 2 May 2012
In Press, Corrected Proof — Note to users
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Fig. 1. Occupations with a large proportion of shift workers (>20%).8View Within ArticleFig. 2. Characterization of brain arousal across the 24-h day in a typical day worker and a night shift worker. Wakefulness and sleep are dependent upon the interplay between the circadian alerting signal and the homeostatic sleep drive in day- and night-shift workers. In a typical day worker (A), the sleep and circadian systems interact in such a way that alert wakefulness is promoted during the day and sleep is promoted at night. A circadian arousal signal increases across the day to counteract the buildup of sleep pressure that occurs with time awake. In a non-adapted night-shift worker (B), the circadian arousal signal increases across the day when the shift worker is attempting to sleep, resulting in short sleep duration. During the night shift, the circadian system and sleep pressure promote sleep, leading to excessive sleepiness during the work shift. Modified from Drake, 2010.128View Within ArticleFig. 3. Baseline untreated. In the modafinil study (n = 182) (data on file)69 and armodafinil study (n = 216) (data on file, Cephalon),70 mean nighttime sleep latencies at baseline in untreated patients with shift work disorder (SWD) decreased over the course of a laboratory night shift. Sleep latency data from healthy control groups in three relatively small (n = 15–30), simulated, night-shift studies are also depicted (Study 1: Walsh et al., 1988; Study 2: Walsh et al., 1991; Study 3: Muehlbach and Walsh, 1995 [74], [75] and [76]) showing that healthy controls are more alert than patients with shift work disorder (A). A worsening of subjective sleepiness, as measured by the Karolinska sleepiness scale (KSS), also was seen in the modafinil and armodafinil studies in patients with SWD (B). Modafinil study: At the final visit of the modafinil study (n = 182), multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) scores for the modafinil group had significantly improved from baseline, compared with MSLT scores for the placebo group, at 02:00 h and 04:00 h but not at 06:00 h or 08:00 h (C). KSS scores in the modafinil group were also significantly improved at each time point from midnight to 05:00 h and also at 07:00 h, compared with scores in the placebo group (D).69 Panel C adapted with permission from Czeisler et al., 2005.69 Armodafinil study: At the final visit of the armodafinil study (n = 216), MSLT scores for the armodafinil group were significantly improved, compared with MSLT scores for the placebo group, at all time points measured (E). KSS scores also were significantly improved at each time point from 23:55 h to 05:55 h in the armodafinil group (F).70 Panels E and F reprinted with permission from Czeisler et al., 2009.70*p < 0.001; †p < 0.05, change from baseline vs. placebo. Higher KSS scores indicate greater sleepiness.View Within ArticleTable 1. Diagnostic and supportive criteria for shift work disorder.13

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