Thursday, December 15, 2011

18 Tips to a Safer Medication Use

1. List all medicines you take. Include name, dose and frequency. Don't forget to include vitamins, minerals, herbs, topical medications, eye and ear drops, sprays, weight loss aids, oral contraceptives.

2. Know the brand and generic names of the medication. In fact, many people know the medications they take by its color and size rather than its name.

3. Know what condition/disease the medication is for. It's important because you are more likely to use it correctly, more likely to know what to expect from the medication, and better able to report what you are using and problems to your doctors and pharmacist.

4. Avoid getting the wrong prescription from the pharmacy. Check the medication you pick up. Make sure it matches up with the prescription.

5. Use online drug interaction checker that allows you to enter the medications you take and check for possible drug interactions.

6. Conditions that place person at higher risk for drug interactions include:

- Taking three or more medications for chronic conditions.

- Genetically based variations in drug-metabolizing capacity.

- Advanced age.

- Certain diseases (anemia, asthma, cardiovascular disease, critical care/intensive care patients, diabetes, epilepsy, gastrointestinal disease, liver disease, hypothyroid)

- People cared for by several doctors.

7. Drugs most likely to be involved in clinically significant interactions are:

- Drugs with a narrow therapeutic index (e.g. warfarin, digoxin)

- Drugs that require cautious dosage control (e.g. antihypertensives, antidiabetic drugs)

- Liver enzyme inducers (e.g. rifampicin, phenytoin) and inhibitors (e.g. cimetidine, ketoconazole)

- Drugs with multiple pharmacological effects

8. Pay attention to how you feel after starting the new medicine and note any changes. Assume that any new symptom you develop after starting a new medication might be caused by the drug. Use online tool to check for side effects.

9. Inform the doctor if medication doesn't seem to be effective. No medication has 100% efficacy rate.

10. Avoid treating adverse drug reactions and drug-induced disease with more drugs. Distinguish the real disease and adverse reaction to the medication. Adverse drug reaction should be managed by lowering the dose of the offending drug or replacing it with a safer alternative.

11. Weigh the benefits and risks, making the choice of drug treatment. If drug is the preferred treatment for the medical problem, try to choose the most safest and effective one. You must decide what risks you can and will accept in order to get the benefits you want.

12. Start the medication with as low a dose as possible. A lower dose will cause fewer adverse effects, which are almost always dose-related.

13. Eliminate the unnecessary drugs. At least every three to six months, regularly review with your doctor the need to continue each drug being taken.

14. Know when the medication should be taken: before, during, or after food. Food can increase, decrease, or delay the absorption of numerous drugs. Food-drug interactions can lead to a treatment failure or a toxic effects of drug therapy.

15. Be aware of your medication needs and be prepared for any emergency. Store 3-5 days supply of medications that are important to your health.

16. Don't skip or reduce the doses. Missed doses of glaucoma medicine, for example, can lead to optic nerve damage or blindness. Missed doses of heart medicine can lead to cardiac arrest.

17. Learn how to discontinue the use of the medication. Many medications (e.g. antidepressants, corticosteroids) should not be stopped abruptly.

18. Many sources recommend to throw out unused medication. However, if you expect you may need the same medication soon, it makes sense to reserve the rest of the drug. It may help you to save the money. So, if you decide to save the rest of unused medicine for future use "just in case"; follow the next steps:

- Save the medication in the original container with the cap closed. It will help to identify the drug over the time and provide proper storage conditions

- When use the old medication, check expiration date. In case you can't find the expiration date, throw out the drug.

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ADHD Medication - Is it the Right Choice For Your Child?

If you are like me, when you first heard about ADHD medication, you were very concerned about giving it to your child. ADHD is an issue that a rapidly growing number of families are facing in the western world. They have experienced the stress and frustration that accompanies ADHD and are looking for the best solution for their child-one that is both safe and effective. Many choose medicine for ADHD, but a growing number of families are choosing to address ADHD issues from a natural approach.

Typically when a doctor diagnoses ADHD in an individual, he will immediately recommend stimulant ADHD medication. Doctors will tell you that children with ADHD make a complete turn around in school. For many children, it is true that grades and behavior improve when a child begins taking medicine for ADHD. The conflicts decrease, and grades increase, but at what cost.

It is unbelievable to me how little a doctor will discuss the importance of sleep and nutrition to a child with ADHD. Some professionals believe that 80% to 90% of ADHD issues are due to poor nutrition. Since most medicine for ADHD actually acts as an appetite suppressant, it may only make things worse.

The result is that a child who was very likely a picky eater in the first place, now almost stops eating completely. And what he does eat is usually void of nutrition. Most of the families I am familiar with whose children take ADHD medication have had serious weight loss issues to deal with soon after beginning medication. The solution the doctor often gives is to provide the child with protein shakes as often as they will drink them. Some children become malnourished to the point of developing physical health problems.

The other major problem with ADHD medication is that it is a stimulant and thus the primary side effect is that it affects sleep pattens. Many people take this same type of medication to stay awake through the night if studying for exams or driving all night. And because of the addictive nature of medicine for ADHD, it is a controlled substance.

With these problems associated with ADHD medication, what is the best way to address ADHD? To begin with, make sure your child is getting adequate amounts of sleep. Children typically need between 11 and 13 hours of sleep each night.

If they are having problems falling asleep, as many children with ADHD do, there are many natural herbal products that can help. Also removing as much sugar and red dye from the diet as possible will usually help. All children will benefit from getting more sleep, and most will show great improvement in ADHD symptoms. Medicine for ADHD will almost always decrease the amount of sleep a child gets.

Because ADHD medication is an appetite suppressant, your child's nutritional intake will drop off and they will not receive the vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are so important to brain development. Before trying medication, see to it that your child is getting balanced nutrition. Begin each day with protein and avoid the empty carbs. A breakfast of waffles and syrup is a recipe for disaster while a breakfast of mostly protein and whole grains will help improve focus and concentration.

Lastly, instead of turning to medicine for ADHD, supplement the diet with a broad based nutritional supplement to provide what is missing in the diet. The importance of vitamins and minerals cannot be overstated.

Also target the specific type of ADHD with natural products. If the main symptom your child displays is hyperactivity, you may want to look into some herbal ingredients that have a calming effect. Herbs such as ginkgo help the brain receive more nutrients from the blood, thus improving concentration and behavior.

There you have it. Skip the ADHD medication until you have tried a more holistic, natural approach. Remember, the decision is yours, not the doctor's. Try various things to improve the amount of sleep and the quality of nutrition your child is getting. You will also find that natural remedies are very effective and can provide quick results. Following this plan will give you the peace of mind of knowing that you are providing the best and safest treatment for your child with ADHD.

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Eczema - Organic Treatment Vs Medical Treatment - 3 Organic Cures For Eczema

In this article I will show you 3 effective ways to cure your eczema without any sort of creams, lotions or pills. That is right; I will show you how you can treat your skin disease with water, cotton and fruits. Total natural ways to heal eczema without spending a dime in expensive medical products.

But why treat eczema naturally?

This is a very good question! You see organic medicine, unlike medical medicine is composed with pure natural ingredients. Mainly fruits and vegetables, and because of this organic medicine unlike medical medicine does not cause any sort of side effects!

This is more than enough reason to switch to organic treatment, plus medical medicine tend to be very expensive. Some eczema creams cost over hundreds of dollars!

But can fruits and vegetables treat Eczema?

I am glad you asked, and the answer is yes! You see what medical medicine does is that it creates essential body nutrients in forms of creams, lotions and pills. These nutrients are made from harsh chemicals, and these harsh chemicals cause side effects.

What organic medicine does is that they extract those same vital nutrients from natural sources (fruits and vegetables).

So you see unlike medical medicine where the nutrients are artificially made from harsh chemicals, organic medicine approaches in a healthier way. Therefore unlike medical medicine, organic medicine does not cause any sort of side effects!

This is the main reason why so many people are switching from medical medicine to organic and natural medicine.

So how can I treat my eczema using organic medicine?

There are 3 effective ways to treat your eczema without spending hundreds of dollars in expensive creams, lotions and pills:

#1 Water: eczema causes severe dryness, what most people are no aware of is that water is a natural body and skin moisturizer. By drinking 2 to 3 litres of water a day and by taking daily showers you will maintain your body and skin moisturized and prevent dehydration.

#2 Cotton: cotton is a very soft, smooth and itchy free material. Eczema as you know is recognised by its annoying itchiness and irritation symptoms. By wearing cotton clothes you will gradually ease away the effects of these annoying symptoms.

#3 Fruits and Vegetables: as I mentioned earlier, fruits and vegetables contain high level of vitamins and minerals. These are vital for the human body survival, by consuming the right amount of certain types of fruits and veggies we make sure that our skin receives the require amount of these vital nutrients, which will ultimately result in a healthy (eczema free) looking skin.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ayurvedic Medicine to Cure Eczema - 2 Killer Natural and Organic Ways to Treat and Cure Eczema

In this article I will show you a couple natural ways to treat and cure eczema, without the use of any sort of medical medications. I will show you the power of ayurvedic medicine that treats and cures eczema.

Eczema is a skin disease that causes numerous symptoms such as: irritation, inflammation, dryness, itchiness and bleeding (sometimes).

There are over 34 million people around the world suffering from this awful skin disorder. Most people tend to buy expensive medical creams, lotions or pills. Not only these medical medicines are extremely expensive but they also cause dangerous side effects (on the long run).

Natural or organic treatment, unlike medical medicine, causes zero side effects. The reason being that organic/natural/home-made medicines are made from pure natural ingredients, such as: fruits, vegetables, plants and flowers.

This is the reason why organic medicine is getting so much popular these days. In India they call it ayurvedic medicine.

Below are to killer ways to treat and cure eczema:

Water: as mentioned above eczema causes extreme dryness, therefore drinking plenty of water a day will prevent dehydration and maintain your body and skin moisturized.

Cotton: cotton is a very soft, smooth and itchy free material. Study shows that cotton molecules upon direct contact with a diseased skin (eczema), drastically reduces one of the most annoying symptom, itchiness. Therefore if you eczema you should always wear cotton clothes.

As you see from this article you really do not require any sort of medical medicine in order to treat and cure your skin disease. Therefore I strongly suggest to start switching from medical medicine into natural/organic medicine (ayurvedic).

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Medicinal Cannabis - Sick of Your Prescription Medication? Medicinal Cannabis May Be Safer

Prescription medications can be dangerous. Even over-the-counter medications can sometimes cause negative reactions. These medications include chemicals that can cause allergic reactions, negatively react with other substances, and cause a wide range of other problems.

Every time a consumer turns on their television, they are bombarded with commercials for prescription drugs. However, half of these commercials are spent warning users of side effects, ranging from mild to sometimes fatal. It makes many people question what they are putting into their bodies.

The Advantages of Medicinal Cannabis Over Traditional Medications:

One of the main reasons for medical marijuana is that it's safe. It is almost impossible to overdose and very few people report negative side effects. The people that do report side effects complain of things like warped time perception or short term memory loss. The side effects of marijuana are extremely mild when comparing them with the effects caused by other medications.

Medical marijuana has been found to be even safer than aspirin. Aspirin, which was first introduced in 1899, has caused around 500 deaths every year. Aspirin can also cause stomach bleeding, stomach problems, liver damage, nausea, vomiting, and many other side effects.

Cannabis, on the other hand, has been used for thousands of years without one reported overdose. Cannabis can cause fatigue, hunger, paranoia, forgetfulness, and euphoria. Fortunately, except in the case of euphoria, these effects will wear off in approximately two to four hours.

The fact is, medical marijuana is safer than almost any prescription drug. For thousands of years it has been used by people all over the world for medical reasons. Until 1937, It was the leading medication for around 100 conditions in the United States. These are the marijuana facts that are rarely stated, but are true nonetheless.

The Disadvantages of Medical Marijuana, When Compared to Prescription Drugs:

Of course, there are also disadvantages to medical marijuana. The main disadvantage is that it is not a cure-all. However, neither is any synthetic drug.

Medicinal marijuana can usually not be used to cure medical conditions. Instead, it is used to manage the negative effects of these conditions. Obtaining a medical marijuana card will not save patients from requiring any other medication during their lifetime. Fortunately, patients that have difficulty with other medications or want to limit the amount of synthetic chemicals they put into their body, can use medical cannabis to successfully treat a wide range of symptoms.

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Médecine médicale vs organique médecine-la solution ultime pour Eczéma ?

Eczéma affecte la plupart des gens du monde différemment lors de différentes approches en utilisant le traitement de la dermatite traitement biologique traitement. J'espère que cette sorte mais les article informatif cette semaine traitement organiques Vs avantages et les inconvénients d'un traitement médical.

Traitement médical : pilules, onguents, lotions, crème est une bonne façon de traiter l'eczéma. Toutefois, ils sont très chers et certains médicaments coûtent plus d'une centaine de dollars ! Si vous n'avez pas un énorme inconvénient est que cela en soi suffit pour la plupart des médicaments de prescription (sinon tous) à long terme dues aux effets secondaires dangereuses. La raison étant, réalisés dans le traitement et des produits chimiques et rien d'autre, ces réactions chimiques dans le corps humain et très mal et donc créer des effets secondaires à long terme.

Traitement biologique : traitement de ces sortes de fruits, légumes, plantes, fleurs, etc., sont faits d'ingrédients naturels et biologiques. Par conséquent, ils sont beaucoup moins chers et presque zéro des effets secondaires et ils puis traitent. Étude des avantages de la médecine médicale efficace de médecine organiques ne se produira pas dans tous les types d'effets secondaires, donc, à mon avis le meilleur traitement montre médecine organique.

C'est la raison pourquoi beaucoup de gens commencent à passer en médecine organique en du médecine, donc, ici comment organique est un exemple de traitement de votre eczéma peut aider.

Gruau: gruau mélangé avec de l'eau à la crème de peau de dermatite pour votre crème herbal homemade très propre, appliqué à la zone infectée, puis vous pouvez faire faire la magie de la magie de la médecine biologique ! Vous voyez, contrairement à la crème de gruau crème cher efficacement zéro cause médicale d'effets secondaires et l'effet !

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Tips for Giving Medication to your Baby or Toddler

Occasionally, babies and toddlers need medication. This can be a challenge for some parents. The following tips may help:

If you blow gently on a baby's face, he or she will blink and swallow
Try using a straw so your toddler can sip up the medicine
Give an ice block to your toddler before giving the medicine - it will numb the taste buds
Have something to give your child after the medicine that he or she likes - a reward
Get your toddler to hold his or her nose - it will reduce the sensation of taste
If you use a syringe, syringe the medicine onto the inside of the cheek - there aren't any bitter taste buds there
Remember to shake the bottle well before you give the medicine

Of course, when giving medication it is always important to remember safety as well.

Only give medication to the child it's prescribed to
Never mix medicine with milk in a bottle - your child may not finish the bottle
Always finish the course of antibiotics - it reduces the emergence of resistant bugs
Always replace the cap and make sure it's tightly screwed on
Don't refer to medicine as a "sweet", a "candy" or a "lolly" - if you do, your child may try and get some when you're not looking
Never store medicines in drink or food containers
Keep medicines out of reach of children - remember toddlers are exploring their world and can climb

Have the number of your local poisons center handy, so if your child does take some medicine he or she shouldn't, you can phone for advice. Here are a few numbers:

United States: 1-800-222-1222
New Zealand: 0800 POISON or 0800 764 766
Canada: (800) 567-8911
Australia: 131 126
United Kingdom: 0870 600 6266 From outside the UK:+44 870 600 6266

Migraine Medications - Find The Right One To Help You Cope With The Pain

If you're a migraine sufferer, it's important you know there are medicines available that can help you achieve a higher quality of life. While your local pharmacy may seem like the best place to go because of all the over-the-counter remedies that are available, you'll want to first head to your doctor's office to discuss prescription pain relief.

All medicine for migraines is categorized as either preventive, abortive and rescue. Not only does each have a specific role but they are also used during varying stages of a migraine attack to maximize your pain relief.

Preventive medications:

Preventive medicines assist with the prevention of a migraine attack. If you average one migraine a week you may be a good candidate for preventive medicine. If you're interested in this type of medication, it's important for you to know that only four brands have been approved by the FDA for use. They are:

Inderal (propranolol) and Blocadren (timolol), both beta blockers
Depakote and Depakote ER (divalproex sodium), an anticonvulsant, originally developed for seizure disorders
Topamax (topiramate), another anticonvulsant

Of course you'll want to be sure to discuss your health history with your doctor to ensure he or she finds the best prescription migraine medication that's right for you.

Abortive Medicines:

You can probably guess what abortive medicines do based on their name: they attempt to derail the migraine while it is ongoing. Their main function is to attempt to reverse the dilation and remove inflammation in the blood vessels and the nearby nerves and tissues. There are quite a few migraine medications that fall into this category; here are the three most popular ones:

Triptans ~ such as Imitrex, Maxalt and others
Ergotamines ~ such as Migranal nasal spray Isometheptene compounds ~ such as
Midrin (which was discontinued recently)

If you suffer from cardiovascular disease, don't forget to mention this to your doctor as abortive medications can cause an unhealthy increase in blood pressure.

Rescue medicines:

If you're in the throes of a migraine attack, don't fret. Rescue medications are there to help save you when all else fails. Many rescue medications are pain relievers but as you'll see a few of them are used to reduce nausea and promote relaxation, thus helping you through the attack.

Here are just a few of the rescue medications that are available to you. Be sure to talk to your doctor so you can discuss which ones are best for you.

Acetaminophen (aka Tylenol) with codeine, or oxycodone, or hydrocodone such as Vicodin, Percocet, etc.
In some cases, doctors will prescribe medications that are injectable (such as Demerol) to be used when home or at work
Anti nausea medications
Muscle relaxants


Choosing which medications are included in your regimen depends on the intensity of your migraine attacks. Be sure to take the time to visit your physician so you can find the best medication to fit your needs. Every person's pain relief regiment is different, and your physician can help you determine which medicines are best for you.

Vanish Eczema Using Organic Medicine - 2 Killer Ways to Heal Eczema

In this article I will show you an astonishing way to vanish Eczema using organic medicine. This means no creams, lotions or pills; a total natural way to heal Eczema.

There are over 34 million Eczema patients around the world and the numbers are climbing day by day, most people spend hundreds upon hundreds of dollars on expensive creams and pills in order to get relief from dermatitis most annoying symptoms: itchiness, redness, irritation, inflammation and dryness.

However prescribe drugs as I mention are very expensive and they also cause dangerous side effects on the long run, because they are made from harsh chemicals and harsh chemicals as we know causes side effects.

Organic medicine is totally unlike medical medicine, organic medicine is not composed of harsh chemicals whatsoever! Instead it is made from pure natural ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, plants and flowers. Here is an astonishing example of an organic treatment for Eczema:

Milk Bath: for this you will need warm water and milk that is it! Take a warm water bath and then add milk, the warm water will open your skin spoors which will allow the milk to penetrate your skin. Milk contains hundreds of enzymes which will fight Eczema from inside out!

Also if you have extreme dry skin try to drink loads of water a day, I recommend 2/3 litres of water a day. Water is a natural body moisturizer and therefore by drinking plenty of water a day you will maintain your body and skin moisturized, which will prevent dehydration and skin dryness.

What is Organic Treatment? The Benefits of Using Organic Medicine For Eczema

In this article I will show you the benefits of organic medicine and why you should treat your eczema using organic treatment instead of medical treatment.

A lot of people are switching from medical medicine to organic medicine and this made me write this article, I will show you the benefits of organic treatment.

Do not get me wrong! I have nothing against medical medicine whatsoever! Medical treatment is very effective; it is based on years and years of studies and experiences. However medical science is very expensive and fairly unsafe, meaning it does cause side effects.

This is what made people in switching from medical treatment into organic treatment. You see organic medicine is composed from natural and organic materials, such as fruits and vegetables. Due to this nature of treatment ingredients, organic medicine does not cause any sort of side effects!

What organic treatment tells is that: fruits and vegetables contain high level of vital nutrients for human body. Which is true, fruits and veggies are proven to contain high level of vitamins and minerals.

If you compare medical medicine over organic medicine, you will figure it out that they are not that different. In the sense that: what medical medicine does is that it provides those vital nutrients that I just mentioned earlier in a form of creams, lotions or pills. Here these nutrients are artificially made via chemicals and these harsh chemicals cause side effects!

Organic treatment on the other hand extract those same vital nutrients but via a more natural way, buy consuming fruits and vegetables and therefore organic medicine does not cause any sort of side effects!

Does organic treatment really work?

Of course it does! Organic treatment is a very ancient medicine, long ago ancient people used plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables to treat and cure several types of disease. Over time these ancient treatments got lost and now people are re-finding these old and ancient organic cures.

And I truly believe that organic medicine is the best medicine for all sorts of human body problems, including eczema. Organic treatment is the safest and most effective way to treat and cure eczema.

Go ahead! Give organic medicine a go and I guarantee you that you will not regret! Stop spending hundreds of dollars in expensive harsh chemicals that cause side effects, stop risking and start living the healthier way! Go organic and be happy!
