Monday, October 31, 2011

Se débarrasser de l'eczéma seulement 10 jours ou moins ! Médecine mé

Dans cet article, je vais vous montrer comment vous pouvez vous débarrasser d'eczéma dans les 10 jours ou moins. Touche d'eczéma des millions de personnes dans le monde et la plupart des gens ont tendance à dépenser des centaines de dollars sur la médecine médicale cher, non seulement ils passent leur dur gagner de l'argent mais aussi risquer d'effets secondaires dangereux.
Dans cet article je vais vous montrer toute la méthode naturelle et biologique de traiter l'eczéma (également connu sous le nom dermatite), dans les 10 jours ou moins !
Je n'ai rien contre la médecine médicale ; ne vous méprenez pas, qu'ils fonctionnent parfaitement. Cependant, ils sont extrêmement chers, et ils causent des effets secondaires dangereux à long terme.
C'est pourquoi j'écris cet article, je vais vous montrer comment organique médecine (médecine alternative) peut guérir votre eczéma sans dépenser un sou et sans effets secondaires.
Quelle est la médecine organique? La médecine organique (également connu sous le nom de la maison de médecine ou d'herbes médicinales) est un autre moyen de traitement de la maladie. À mon avis la façon meilleure et la plus efficace pour traiter les maladies. Pourquoi? Car contrairement à la médecine médicale, médecine organique provoque zéro des effets secondaires et les frais absolument rien ! Pourquoi? Simplement parce qu'il utilise des ingrédients naturels purs, comme des fruits, des légumes, des plantes et des fleurs pour le traitement de maladies (contrairement à la médecine médicale où ingrédients, rien que des produits chimiques, des centaines de dollars et à cause des effets secondaires à long terme).
Vous voyez les fruits et les légumes contiennent des centaines de nutriments essentiels qui traiteront toutes les maladies y compris d'eczéma. Crèmes, lotions et comprimés contiennent chimiquement faite d'éléments nutritifs et parce qu'ils sont des produits chimiques qu'ils coûtent des centaines et causent de nombreux effets secondaires.
Des ingrédients naturels, tels que les fruits, les légumes, les plantes et les fleurs contiennent des nutriments essentiels naturels et donc complètement sécuritaires et efficaces utilisent ces organiques ingrédients.
Manger la bonne quantité et perfect ces vert rétablira le déficit des nutriments d'eczéma. Il suffit de suivre ce régime vous aurez eczéma gratuitement pendant 10 jours ou moins.

Traitement eczéma médicales de la médecine biologique traitement bio

Dans cet article, je vous montrerai 3 façons efficaces pour traiter votre eczéma sans aucune crèmes, lotions et les comprimés. Ce droit ; Je vais vous montrer comment vous pouvez gérer votre maladie de la peau avec l'eau, de coton et de fruits. Tous les traitements naturels pour l'eczéma sans dépenser un sou sur les médicaments onéreuses.

Mais pourquoi traiter eczéma naturellement ?

C'est une très bonne question ! Vous voir médecine organique, contrairement à la médecine médicale est pure d'ingrédients naturels. Principalement de fruits et de légumes et la médecine biologique contrairement à la médecine médicale n'entraîne pas des effets secondaires !

C'est plus que suffisamment de raisons pour passer à des traitements biologiques, bien que médicale médecine ont tendance à être très cher. Certaines crèmes l'eczéma est une valeur de plus de cent dollars !

Mais peut les fruits et les légumes pour traiter l'eczéma ?

Je suis heureux que vous a demandé et répondu à Oui! vous voir quelle médecine médicale rend un organe essentiel de nutriments sous forme de crèmes, lotions et comprimés. Ces nutriments sont fabriqués à partir de produits chimiques lourds, et ces produits chimiques dures causent des effets secondaires.

Quelle médecine organique est qu'ils récupérer les nutriments essentiels mêmes provenant de sources naturelles (fruits et légumes).

Donc vous voyez, contrairement à la médecine médicale où les nutriments artificiellement fabriqués par des produits chimiques, organique médecine approches d'une manière plus saine. Par conséquent, contrairement à la médecine médicale, médecine organique rend n'entraîne pas des effets secondaires!

C'est la raison principale pourquoi tant de gens sont commutation de médecine médicale sur la médecine naturelle et biologique.

Alors comment traiter mon eczéma, à l'aide de la médecine biologique ?

Il existe 3 façons efficaces pour traiter votre eczéma sans dépenses des centaines de dollars en chers crèmes, lotions et comprimés :

L'eau # 1: eczéma causes sécheresse sévère, ce que la plupart des gens ne réalisent est que l'eau est un naturel hydratant pour le corps et la peau. Boisson 2-3 litres d'eau par jour et prendre une douche quotidienne vont soutenir votre corps et la peau de l'humidité et prévenir la déshydratation.

# 2: Coton coton est très douce, lisse et démangeaisons choses gratuites. Eczéma que vous savez trouvé ennuyeux des symptômes d'irritation et de démangeaisons. Des vêtements de coton vous faciliter progressivement les effets de ces symptômes d'irritant.

# 3 fruits et légumes : comme je l'ai mentionné plus tôt, les fruits et les légumes contiennent des niveaux élevés de vitamines et de minéraux. Ils sont indispensables à la survie du corps humain, qui consomment une quantité adéquate de certains types de fruits et de légumes, nous sommes convaincus que notre peau obtienne le montant requis de ces nutriments essentiels qui mènera à la saine (eczéma libre) à la recherche de la peau.

Vous pouvez acheter légalement en ligne des analgésiques

Millions d'Américains vivant avec douleur. La douleur chronique, douleur à court terme quotidienne, une douleur intense. Tous les médicaments vendus par les pharmacies en ligne à ce jour est le type le plus courant des analgésiques. Pensez-vous que les pharmacies en ligne sont une source d'analgésiques.

Eh bien, vous savez law enforcement agency (DEA) s'était effondré et fermer les pharmacies en ligne plus de 5000 de médicaments aux États-Unis ? Saviez-vous que plusieurs pharmacies Internet vendent des médicaments de contrefaçon ? Saviez-vous qu'il s'agit d'un crime fédéral pour vous commandez des ordonnances de hors des États-Unis ?

Il est vrai, les pharmacies Internet sont une source de soulagement de la douleur. Cet article vous apprendra à analgésiques de l'ordre, au sein des États-Unis avec la prescription légale. Il s'agit de la seule façon d'aller !

Tout d'abord, avertissement : vous ne peut légalement ordonner de médicaments à l'extérieur des États-Unis, même si vous avez une recette. On parle toujours plus âgés prenant autobus dans les médicaments bon marchés de Canada acheter. C'est-à-dire que d'écrire ces lignes, ce cours est illégal. De plus vous pouvez commander légalement médecine pharmacie sans ordonnance. Plusieurs pharmacies en ligne (dont moi) ont les médecins sur le personnel qui l'examen de votre demande et vous écrivez une prescription s'ils pensent que c'est sécuritaire. En outre, jamais commander médicaments par courrier. Oubliez la codéine, Tylenol # 3, oxycontin, demerol, le percodan et percocet. Vous peut être accusé d'un crime fédéral pour l'achat de ces produits. Enfin, indépendamment des médicaments que vous achetez, n'oubliez pas de lire le package Insert (ou monographies sur mon site Web). Médicaments interagissent les uns avec les autres et avec votre corps-vous pouvez insérer un paquet vous fera pencher comportements potentiellement dangereux avec les médicaments que vous avez commandées.

Voici un bref résumé des médicaments courants, vous pouvez commander via Internet avec très peu de risque de soulagement de la douleur :

Fioricet (butalbital)

Fioricet est un médicament de la combinaison. Il se compose de l'acétaminophène, de butalbital et de la caféine. L'acétaminophène est la drogue dans Tylenol, vous connaissez la caféine du café (ou même votre favori friandise.) Butalbital est une overdose de barbituriques doux. Il détend vous.

La science médicale ne contient-elle pas une explication de la raison est une combinaison de œuvres de drogues si bien, mais néanmoins Fioricet (et sa forme standard butalbital) sont une céphalée de tension très efficace. Sans doute il détend les muscles de la tête et cou, qui sont généralement serrer durant les céphalées de tension... C'est la drogue Best-seller dans notre pharmacie un mois après le mois-cette aide vraiment des maux de tête !

Soma (carisoprodol)

Soma est un relaxant musculaire. Elle agit en bloquant les signaux électriques entre les nerfs dans la formation réticulaire du cerveau et la moelle épinière. CARISOPRODOL, combiné avec le repos et la physiothérapie sont requis dans le soulagement à court terme des muscles douloureux des conditions, en particulier le spasme musculaire (où les muscles resserre et n'affaiblit pas). La plupart de retour résultat de souches de crampes musculaires, afin que les patients trouvent carisoprodol soulagement de la douleur très efficace.

Celebrex (célécoxib)

Celebrex est utilisé dans le traitement des symptômes de l'arthrite. Cela comprend, douleurs articulaires, rigidité, l'enflure et l'inflammation. Médicaments ne remédie pas d'arthrite, mais procure un soulagement symptomatique. C'est qui soulage la douleur et l'inflammation des médicaments anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens (AINS), s. Le médicament fonctionne en bloquant la production des prostaglandines dans le corps. Les prostaglandines contribuent à la douleur et l'enflure associée à l'arthrite.

Ultram (tramadol)

Ultram utilisé pour traiter la douleur chronique modérée à grave. Associés aux récepteurs opiacés aux nerfs (le même mécanisme utilisé des drogues), mais il a beaucoup moins de potentiel pour les dépendances. C'est la plus proche de médicaments stupéfiants, vous pouvez commander légalement des États-Unis en ligne. Il n'est pas AINS (anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens) et ne pas des ours le risque d'ulcères d'estomac et l'hémorragie interne, qui peuvent être accompagnées de l'utilisation de ces médicaments. Souvent est prescrite pour la douleur associée à la fibromyalgie, bardeaux et autres maladies chroniques.


Ultracet est une combinaison d'acétaminophène et tramadol. C'est habituellement prescrits pour l'aide à court terme (jusqu'à cinq jours) à la douleur chronique modérément grave. Exigent souvent des douleurs postopératoires ou après les procédures dentaires.

Mécanisme ultram comme décrit ci-dessus est très similaire aux médicaments mécanisme utilisé. Cours de l'acétaminophène est un ingrédient actif dans Tylenol. Il fonctionne en augmentant le seuil de la douleur (c'est-à-dire qu'il faut plus de douleur stimulation évoque la sensation de douleur). Ces deux médicaments des différents mécanismes, et ils se combinent pour être plus efficace que chaque médicament pris individuellement.

Soulagement de la douleur peut être commandé en ligne en toute sécurité, mais avec prudence appropriée avant de faire ceci. En particulier, il est important de déterminer si vous souhaitez consulter un médecin avant de commander des analgésiques. Si vous avez une apparition soudaine de la douleur, ce qui n'est pas facile, vous devez tout d'abord consulter un médecin. En cas de doute, aller à la salle d'urgence. Si toutefois vous êtes un patient, qui a été révélé, et la douleur est un problème récurrent, vous pouvez facilement commander analgésiques en ligne-habituellement à un prix plus bas que le prix total de la médecine et des soins de santé, par elle-même.

Copyright 2005

Cannabis-sick médicinales de vos médicaments d'ordonnance ? Cannabi

Médicaments sur ordonnance peuvent être dangereuses. Même en vente libre peut parfois provoquer une réaction négative. Ces médicaments comprennent des produits chimiques qui peuvent causer des réactions allergiques, ont réagi négativement avec d'autres substances et causent un large éventail d'autres problèmes.

Chaque fois que l'utilisateur se tourne à la télévision, ils ont bombardé avec de la publicité des médicaments d'ordonnance. Toutefois, la moitié de ces clips sont avertissement aux utilisateurs d'effets secondaires allant de doux parfois fatale. Il fait un grand nombre de personnes interrogées ce qu'ils ont dans leur corps.

Avantages du cannabis médicinales à travers les médecines traditionnelles :

Une des raisons principales de la marijuana médicale est sécuritaire. Il est presque impossible de surdose et très peu de gens rapport des effets secondaires négatifs. Personnes qui ont déclaré que les effets secondaires à se plaindre des choses comme les perceptions déformées ou la perte de mémoire à court terme. Les effets secondaires de marijuana sont extrêmement douces, lorsqu'en les comparant avec les effets causés par les autres médicaments.

Il a été déterminé que la marijuana médicale soit encore plus sécuritaires que l'aspirine. Aspirine, qui a été introduite en 1899, tuant environ 500 personnes chaque année. L'aspirine peut aussi augmenter estomac saignement, problèmes d'estomac, dommages au foie, nausées, vomissements et beaucoup d'autres effets secondaires.

Cannabis, en revanche, est utilisé pour des milliers d'années sans une surdose signalée. Cannabis peut conduire à la fatigue, la faim, paranoïa, oubli et d'euphorie. Heureusement, à l'exception de l'euphorie, ces effets doivent porter au large dans environ deux à quatre heures.

C'est, la marijuana médicale est plus sécuritaire que n'importe quel médicament d'ordonnance. Des milliers d'années, il est utilisé par les gens du monde entier pour des raisons médicales. Jusqu'en 1937, il fut le leader médicament pour environ 100 conditions aux États-Unis. Ce sont les faits de la marijuana, qui parle rarement, mais néanmoins vrai.

Inconvénients de la marijuana médicale, par rapport aux médicaments :

Certes il y a aussi des inconvénients associés à la marijuana médicale. Le principal inconvénient est qu'il n'est pas une panacée. Cependant, il n'est pas tout les drogues synthétiques.

La marijuana médicinale, comme d'habitude, ne peut pas être utilisée pour le traitement des maladies. Au lieu de cela, il est utilisé pour gérer les effets négatifs de ces conditions. Obtenir la marijuana médicale cartes pas enregistrer les patients exigera des médicaments dans leur vie. Heureusement, les patients qui ont de la difficulté avec d'autres médicaments ou voulez limiter le nombre de produits chimiques synthétiques, ils ont mis dans leurs corps peuvent utiliser cannabis médical pour traiter avec succès un large éventail de symptômes.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Réfléchir avant de vous les médicaments

Il est compréhensible lorsque quelqu'un atteint cette douleur pour les médicaments afin d'obtenir de l'aide. C'est une erreur de croire que la réparation est livré avec un prix, et pas il vaut la peine de prendre un petit effort supplémentaire, bien entendu, pour faire face à la douleur. Soins de santé naturelle n'a aucun effet secondaire. Les praticiens de soins de santé naturels veulent trouver et éliminer la cause de la douleur et souvent obtenir de très bons résultats.

Chercheurs aux Pays-Bas ont constaté que certains migraine médicaments causant artères coronaires (les artères du cœur d'alimentation) du contrat. Rétrécissement des artères coronaires causées par une maladie cardiaque peut entraîner des douleurs thoraciques ou même d'infarctus chez un individu prenant migraine de certain médicaments.

La recherche publiée en circulation : revue de l'American Heart Association (7 juillet 1998) a étudié les artères de donneurs d'organes mesurant chaque capacité artère du contrat et se détendre. Ils ont ensuite testé tout effet de la drogue sur les artères. Les médicaments testés comprenaient des médicaments plus anciens tels qu'ergotamine, méthysergide et son métabolite méthyl dihydroergotamine, ergométrine ainsi que des médicaments plus récents tels que naratriptan et zolmitriptan, rizatriptan, sumatriptan. Les médicaments causent rétrécissement des artères dans la tête, pour arrêter le maux de tête. Malheureusement, la drogue entraînent aussi des artères coronaires se contractent.

Personnes qui ont régulièrement l'utilisation de paracétamol ou aspirine étaient 2,5 fois plus susceptibles d'être atteintes d'insuffisance rénale chronique, comparée aux personnes qui n'utilisent pas ces analgésiques. Le risque augmenté le montant des deux médicaments pris au cours de sa vie, les chercheurs ont découvert. Ceci est pris en charge par un article paru dans le New England Journal of Medicine (20 décembre 2001 ; 345:1801-1808). Un article publié dans le New York Times (29 janvier 2002) se rapporte à des préoccupations des joueurs NBA sur l'utilisation régulière de ces médicaments. C'est dans le sillage de la Alanzo de deuil du Miami Heat développent une maladie rénale et Sean Elliot avait besoin d'une greffe de rein. Pour citer l'article, « de nombreux médecins affirment que si quelqu'un anti-inflammatoires en grandes quantités sur de longues périodes de temps-utilisé comme certains joueurs NBA ont apparemment, prendre trois ou quatre fois l'affectent la dose recommandée fonction rénale peut. »

Selon un récent sondage de près de 700 enfants et adolescents, ont plus d'un sur cinq utilisation excessive des analgésiques en vente libre pour soulager les maux de tête. Souvent les parents ne sont pas conscients que leurs enfants utilisaient des analgésiques. la tension 41 % des enfants qui participent à l'enquête, 28 % ont connu migraines, maux de tête.

La surutilisation des médicaments de douleur a été définie par les chercheurs comme la consommation de ces drogues plus de trois fois par semaine pendant plus de six semaines. Cette norme a été rencontrée par 22 % des enfants interrogés. Les résultats de l'enquête en miroir des études similaires effectuées sur des adultes.

Autres liens de recherche à l'insuffisance rénale de douleur médication, insuffisance cardiaque, hypertension artérielle ulcération du tube digestif et certains médicaments même interférer avec la réparation osseuse. Ces médicaments décomposent également du cartilage. Une étude a révélé que 2 000 patients de l'arthrite, utilisation de médicaments anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens (AINS) l'augmente dix fois moins risque d'ulcère. Près de 25 % des utilisateurs d'AINS ont des ulcères, la plupart des personnes sans symptômes.

Il y a tellement des approches naturelles efficaces que médicaments devraient être utilisés en dernier recours. Y a-t-il un CD disponible de santé toute l'Amérique qui alimenter vos patients des moyens naturels pour soulager la douleur.

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Aperçu du XXIe siècle herbal medicine-traitement de polyarthrite rhumatoïde et l'arthrose

Pourquoi apprendre à vivre avec elle, lorsqu'il existe une alternative ? La médecine moderne n'a pas été identifié une cause ou un remède pour l'arthrite. L'arthrite est un diagnostic redouté, indiquant une vie de douleur, paralysant progressive et médicaments. Mais la plupart des cas de polyarthrite rhumatoïde et l'arthrose répondra bien à des changements herbes medicine and lifestyle. De nombreux patients signalent que les anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens couramment prescrits non stéroïdiens (AINS) pas assez soulagement de la douleur. En effet, certains patients sont donc beaucoup de peine qui prennent leurs GPs suggèrent des stéroïdes.

Quel est le traitement conventionnel ?

Médicaments conventionnels donnent le traitement symptomatique de la douleur et l'inflammation. Médicaments anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens (AINS) sont le pivot du traitement conventionnel. Ces médicaments agissent par inhibition de l'enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX) qui produit des substances biochimiques qui contribuent à provoquer l'inflammation. Parce que cette activité souvent causé les effets secondaires de l'érosion de l'estomac et des saignements, a parfois conduit à la mort par hémorragie, une classe plus sélective des inhibiteurs de COX ont été développés. Le but des inhibiteurs de COX-2 était que l'activité anti-inflammatoire resteraient les mêmes, mais les effets secondaires indésirables seraient alors minimisés. Cet objectif n'a pas été trouvé. 2004 nous avons assisté le retrait de la vente du Vioxx (rofécoxib), un des principaux médicaments anti-inflammatoires COX-2, en raison de l'augmentation décès cardiaques. Une étude cas-témoins d'âge 25 pour 100 de plus de 9 000 personnes qui avait subi leur première attaque cardiaque a été publié médicale en 2005 dans le Journal britannique (BMJ). Cette étude de leur inquiétude quant à la sécurité à long terme des anti-inflammatoires tout non stéroïdiens (AINS). Les AINS plus couramment utilisés sont en fait plus susceptible d'avoir des crises cardiaques que Vioxx. Un risque significativement accru de crise cardiaque a été observé pour :

Diclofénac : une augmentation de 55 %
L'ibuprofène : une augmentation de 24 %
Naproxène : une augmentation de 27 %
Quel est le traitement à base de plantes ?

Phytothérapie traditionnelle est maintenant sous-établi par la recherche scientifique, ce qui est exactement ce qu'actives les ingrédients chimiques d'une plante médicinale et découvrez comment ils font affaire avec la biochimie du corps humain. Phytothérapie offre gentle, sécuritaire et efficace traitement largement évitant les effets secondaires indésirables, médical lorsque prescrit par un herboriste qualifié, les compétences cliniques et diagnostiques au niveau du degré avec expertise en chimie (Phytochimie) des plantes.Il n'y a pas de règles uniformes par défaut. Au lieu de cela, les règles personnalisées formulés pour répondre aux besoins uniques de chaque patient. Produits médicinaux médicale , en dehors de la pharmacie du herboriste propre, à l'aide de médecine par le ministère de la santé publique santé et médicaments products regulatory agency (MHRA) a accueilli et une licence en vertu de la directive européenne sur la phytothérapie traditionnelle. Il y a plusieurs herbes anti-inflammatoire très efficaces. Une telle herb est la griffe du diable (Harpagophytum procumbens), qui vient du Sud et d'Afrique de l'est. Recherche pharmacologique Harpagophytum procumbens en 2006 a conclu que les essais cliniques appuient comme un traitement favorable pour le soulagement de la douleur et améliorer la mobilité dans une variété de muscle- et les premiers résultats après es conditions. 4-6 semaines et les résultats plus permanentes avec soins prolongés peuvent s'attendre. Les changements de régime alimentaire et le mode de vie aussi aident dans la gestion de l'arthrite. L'efficacité clinique de la phytothérapie en gestion de la douleur a été démontrée dans les essais cliniques. Il possède un profil d'innocuité et d'efficacité supérieur par rapport aux médicaments anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens (AINS).

Médicaments peuvent être prises aux côtés de phytothérapie ?

Un herboriste médicale comprend les contre-indications et les interactions médicamenteuses, qui peuvent facilement en automédication pas être ignorées. Un mot d'avertissement, lors de l'achat de médicaments à base d'herbes en vente libre. Assurez-vous que la partie appropriée de la partie de la plante est utilisée (la partie avec les constituants chimiques actifs) comme autant de fois la mauvaise partie est utilisée, ce qui n'a aucun effet thérapeutique. Alors ne perdez pas d'argent sur les mauvais produits !L'utilisation d'anti-inflammatoires phytothérapie est inappropriée, lorsqu'il y a déjà une prescription de médicaments anti-inflammatoires classiques, à moins que le but est de se retirer de la médication classique en phases avec le consentement de votre médecin.

Alors pourquoi apprendre à vivre avec elle, lorsqu'il existe une alternative efficace et sécuritaire ?

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Commodities - It's What's For Trading

Investors in the United States are still very much embedded in a long-standing equity culture. They have become more sophisticated over the years, and conduct their own technical and fundamental research of specific stocks in order to make thought-out investment decisions. However, investors of all types are quickly seeking opportunities outside the equity realm as their confidence in their investment and trading skills continues to grow. Those investors are now turning to commodities in record numbers, and they're using every possible financial instrument to gain exposure to physical commodity prices.

Commodities have been available to investors for decades, but why has their popularity grown so rapidly in recent years? The appeal is attributable to a variety of conditions, all of which will eventually make commodity trading as simple as buying and selling stocks, if it has not achieved that level simplicity to some degree already. Here's why:

1. Well-known media outlets provide heavy coverage of commodity prices

2. Certain commodities are affected by geo-political risk and natural catastrophes, and are therefore newsworthy

3. Investors want to diversify their portfolios into non-equity asset classes

4. Data has become cheaply and readily available

5. Brokerage provide extensive research coverage

6. Online brokerage firms are expanding into futures with reduced commissions

What's driving demand?

Investors continue to seek new opportunities beyond traditional equity offerings, but there have always been barriers to their participation in commodity markets. A general lack of understanding, inefficient access, and high agency costs for commodity investments have caused investors to look for opportunities in more traditional asset classes. However, those barriers are quickly disappearing, and commodity investments are beginning to be considered mainstream investments. Contributing to this effect are financial media outlets, the brokerage community, and growing concerns about current events.

Financial media outlets have become a source of information for retail investors, but have also become a source of entertainment. Some financial news channels may appear more professional than others, but they all have content that appeals to a wide range of viewers - from the novice investor to the sophisticated trader. Those media outlets help popularize commodities by focusing on spot prices, economic data, and exchange activity all throughout the day.

In addition to financial news reporting, media outlets provide continuous coverage of geo-political tension as well as natural catastrophes occurring all over the world. Investors can quickly gather detailed news about such events via the Web and television, allowing them to develop logical conclusions regarding the near-term impact on certain commodity prices. Those factors, combined with the underlying perception that emerging economies will require greater commodity consumption, will result in accentuated volatility in commodity prices.

Research coverage of commodities by major brokerage firms also helps promote commodities. Whether that coverage is in the form of equity-based sectors (i.e., stocks that derive their revenue primarily from activity in specific commodities) or in various instruments that provide exposure to commodity prices, investors are the target audience. Sell-side research is still very influential even after the Internet stock craze highlighted conflicts of interest. That is because such conflicts do not exist, or are not as apparent, in commodity markets.

Competition among brokers will also add to the promotion of commodities as investments. That competition will be based on their ability to provide customers with access to new investment opportunities, as well as tools that allow customers to make informed investment decisions. Commodity investment represents a new frontier for brokers because it allows them to expand beyond their traditional stock and bond offerings and into a complementary asset class. Brokers can expect to find a very receptive audience because investors are growing weary of stock performance.

How do we gauge demand?

Demand for commodities has become easier to quantify than ever before. It is exhibited through the success of "proxy" products, including mutual funds, equity index funds, equity index options, and commodity futures. Popular investments in the U.S. include the PIMCO Commodity RealReturn Strategy funds (symbol, PCRDX), the Energy Select Sector SPDR (symbol, XLE), StreetTRACKS Gold Shares (symbol, GLD), and more recently, commodity pools like the United States Oil Fund (USO). On the trading side, there are dozens of derivatives ranging from traditional commodity futures contracts, to options on equity indexes that track the performance of specific commodity sectors.

The PIMCO fund is a traditional mutual fund that passively tracks the performance of the Dow Jones AIG Commodity Total Return Index. The index covers the combined performance of a basket of commodities via their associated futures prices. The fund uses derivative instruments to gain direct exposure to that index. As of November 2008, the PIMCO funds had assets of over $7 billion since their inception about 4 ½ years ago,(1) well off its highs of over $12 billion earlier this year when commodity prices were rising in unison, but still an impressive amount. As of November 2008, there were at least 132 commodity-focused mutual funds with total assets of over assets of over $35 billion.(2) While mutual funds are good places to invest, they do not address the needs of more active traders. That's where Exchange-Traded-Funds (ETFs) and Exchange-Traded Notes (ETNs) come into play.

Partial List of Commodity-Focused Mutual Funds

Fund Name (symbol)_________________________Focus_________Net Assets ($, billion)____Inception Date

Vanguard Energy (VGENX)_____________________Energy________$4.97_________________5/23/84

PIMCO CommodityRealRet Strat Instl (PCRIX)______DJ-AIG Index___$3.88_________________6/28/02

T. Rowe Price New Era (PRNEX)________________Energy________$3.69_________________1/20/69

Vanguard Energy Adm (VGELX)_________________Energy________$3.37_________________11/12/01

Ivy Global Natural Resources A (IGNAX)___________Energy________$2.07_________________1/2/97

PIMCO CommodityRealRet Strat A (PCRAX)________DJ-AIG Index___$1.76_________________11/29/02

Vanguard Precious Metals and Mining (VGPMX)_____Metals________$1.69_________________5/23/84

Fidelity Select Energy (FSENX)__________________Energy________$1.58_________________7/14/81

Fidelity Select Energy Service (FSESX)____________Energy________$1.01_________________12/16/85

RS Global Natural Resources (RSNRX)___________Energy________$0.92_________________11/15/95

Source: fund sponsor's websites and Yahoo! Finance, data as of October 31, 2008

Until recently, the only way for most individual and institutional investors to quickly access the commodities markets was to purchase stocks that focused on specific commodity sectors. That strategy was made much more efficient with the arrival of ETFs, which hold baskets of stocks in specific sectors. Low brokerage commissions, abundant liquidity, and all the efficiencies of an electronically traded product helped ETFs gain in popularity as both investable and tradable instruments. Even so, the funds are less than perfect proxies for commodities because they still carry the corporate risk of stocks they hold. The companies in a fund may also be engaging in hedging activity that dampens the correlation between their stock price returns and the commodities they produce. This paved the way for a new breed of exchange-traded instrument; one that attempts to securitize commodity prices and which is still available through ordinary stock brokerage accounts.

The StreetTRACKS Gold Trust, often referred to as the "Gold ETF," is a trust that primarily owns gold bullion. This is one of the best examples of how Wall Street is repackaging commodities into equity-like instruments. The investment objective of this trust is to issue shares that reflect the price performance of gold. The shares trade under the ticker symbol GLD on the New York Stock Exchange. The trust was launched in November 2004 by the World Gold Council, and by October 2008, it had net assets of about $17.6 billion.(3) But that is just one of a new stream of exchange-traded trusts and funds. Over the past year, Deutsche Bank, Barclays, and others have begun to roll out products in the energy sector as well as other metals. Even agricultural commodities such as corn and wheat are available to trade as stocks in regular brokerage accounts. Currently, there are at least 130 ETFs, trusts, and ETNs that track commodity price performance by way of holding stocks that produce those commodities, physical commodities, or futures contracts.(4) As of October 2008, those products represented almost $50 billion in assets.(5) Similar to the commodity-focused mutual funds, AUM levels for those products have also declined, not only because of redemptions in the funds but because certain commodity prices have plummeted. Even so, the sharp spike in asset growth up until mid-year underscores investors' interest in the asset class as well acceptance of fairly new instruments like ETNs.

Partial List of Commodity-Focused ETFs, ETNs & Trusts

Fund Name (symbol)___________________Focus________Fund's Holdings____Net Assets ($, billion)____Inception Date

streetTRACKS Gold Shares (GLD)_________Gold_________Phys. gold________$17.60________________11/18/04

Energy Select Sector SPDR (XLE)__________Energy_______Energy stocks_____$5.13_________________12/22/98

iShares Silver Trust (SLV)________________Silver________Phys. silver________$2.01_________________4/21/06

Oil Services HOLDRs (OIH)______________Energy Oil_____Stocks___________$1.86__________________2/6/01

iPath DJ-AIG Commodity Index (DJP)_______Mixed________Derivatives________$1.85__________________6/6/06

iShares COMEX Gold Trust (IAU)__________Gold_________Phys. gold_________$1.49__________________1/21/05

PowerShares DB Commodity Fund (DBC)___Mixed________Derivatives_________$1.26__________________2/3/06

PowerShares DB Agriculture Fund (DBA)____Ags__________Derivatives_________$1.17_________________1/5/07

United States Oil Fund (USO)_____________Energy_______Derivatives_________$0.80_________________4/10/06

United States Natural Gas Fund (UNG)_____Energy________Derivatives_________$0.79_________________4/18/07

Source: fund sponsor's websites as of October 31, 2008 or later

Securitized exposure to commodity prices is not unique to the U.S. To be sure, the London Stock Exchange (6) currently lists over 120 Exchange Traded Commodities while Deutsche Börse lists over 110 such products.(7) Every major stock exchange now lists some form of open-ended fund-like instrument.

In addition to the various funds and trusts available to investors, US options exchanges further expand the menu of choices by offering cash-settled options on indexes that focus on specific commodity sectors. From the Philadelphia Stock Exchange's PHLX Oil Services Index (symbol, OSX) to the International Securities Exchange's ISE-Revere Natural Gas Index (symbol, FUM), investors have additional flexibility to execute complex spreads quickly and cheaply. Although options now exist on some of the trusts and commodity pools listed above, cash-settled options on indexes themselves offer additional flexibility in how investors tailor their exposure to commodity price movements.(8) For example, an investor employing a strategy that involves selling in-the-money options will not have its position altered by being assigned. Rather, the European-style exercise of those index options will ensure that the position remains intact.

While there may be dozens of commodity-based funds and index options listed on exchanges over the next few years, let's not forget old-fashioned futures - the instrument of choice among hedge funds all over the world, as well as the core holding of many of the new commodity-based ETFs. Energy futures products have gotten a much needed facelift over the past three years, largely due to the demand from hedge funds as well as retail investors. That demand has futures exchanges scrambling to compete for those new customers.

In 2003, the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) began offering reduced-value versions of its energy futures contracts in an effort to target smaller investors. The contracts were branded "miNY" to capitalize on the popularity of reduced-value index futures called "E-mini".(9) In order to further capitalize on the burgeoning retail interest, NYMEX made the products available on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange's (CME) GLOBEX platform so that they may be traded electronically - well before its acquisition by the CME. Here's where the competition kicked into high gear.

In early 2005, the InterContinental Exchange (ICE) fired the first direct shot with its electronically-traded, and cash-settled WTI crude oil contract - the flagship benchmark of NYMEX. The listing of that product was in addition to its own crude oil benchmark, Brent crude, which was already an actively traded contract in Europe. Volume in the ICE's Brent contract is currently about 175,000 contracts per day while its WTI contract trades almost 283,000 contracts per day year-to-date.(10)

NYMEX responded, albeit slowly, by listing its full-size products on GLOBEX. Since their initial listing on CME, trading in the energy complex has grown from just under 100,000 contracts per day on average to currently about 550,000 contracts per day year-to-date.(11) However, trading in its Brent contract is virtually non-existent.

How can you practice trading?

Unfortunately, there are no "do overs" in your brokerage account, so where can you test your commodity trading strategies online? Investors may want to visit a "virtual trading" website to test trading strategies with real market data before putting real money at risk. Some virtual trading websites combine the functionality of a brokerage platform with order matching logic of an exchange. Traders can go long or short and accumulate virtual dollars. Traders can also hone their skills by competing with others in contests. In sum, virtual trading websites combine simulated trading and real entertainment to create a unique educational tool.

What happens next?

The number of investment vehicles and tradable instruments is truly astonishing, and there is no sign of slowing down. Investors can expect to see new products proliferate through the entire commodity spectrum, and a quick review of prospectuses on the SEC website already reveals many new products just waiting for regulatory approval. But that seems like only the tip of the iceberg when one considers the pipeline of new ideas being developed by investment firms of all sizes. So while you will have a hundred ways to trade crude and natural gas, all you fans of the movie "Trading Places" can take solace in that it won't be long before you can trade frozen concentrated orange juice - just as you would in any stock or index fund. In the meantime, check out a virtual trading site to get your feet wet in the virtual commodity pits before you start putting your real money to work.


(1) See fund profile at the Alliance site.

(2) See fund summaries at the website of Lipperweb.

(3) See data from website of State Street's Streettracks' goldShares. State Street is the marketing agent for the fund.

(4) From fund sponsor's websites.

(5) From fund sponsor's websites.

(6) From the website of the London Stock Exchange

(7) From the website of Deutsche Borse

(8) Options on the streetTracks Gold Shares, GLD, were only available on options exchanges earlier this year in 2008 after the SEC and CFTC came to an agreement to allow trading in the products. However, at the time this paper was written, options trading on the iShares Silver Trust, SLV, as well as another gold trust, have yet to be permitted.

(9) "E-mini" is the name of a reduced-value futures contract branded by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME); it was created to appeal to smaller investors, to be traded electronically as opposed to manually on an exchange floor.

(10) Statistics for ICE energy contracts are shown at the website of the Intercontinential Exchange.

(11) Statistics for NYMEX energy contracts are shown at the website of the New York Mercantile Exchange.

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Advantages of Functional Medicine for Chiropractors, Naturopaths, Acupuncturists and Medical Doctors

For health care practitioners hoping to carve out a reputation for achieving remarkable results with patients, a relatively new diagnostic paradigm called Functional Medicine provides a promising route. Because training in this approach builds on a practitioner's previous medical education, just six to eight months is enough for new Functional Medicine graduates to begin building a reputation for helping patients who had nearly given up hope.

By looking at the whole patient and at data from advanced laboratory tests, Functional Medicine practitioners can frequently diagnose and treat difficult cases that have stumped other health care professionals. Their success rate with hard cases in turn leads to strong patient loyalty and increased referrals from patients and other practitioners. It's also relatively easy for graduates to receive local media coverage because this modality is relatively new to the general public.

Practitioners act like medical detectives, many times finding that conditions in one bodily system produce puzzling symptoms in what appears to be a very different system. In addition, their laboratory tests and medical histories often show that what brought about a certain set of symptoms in one patient was totally different from what brought on very similar symptoms in a second patient. Only after tracing a health problem back to its cause do Functional Medicine practitioners prescribe treatment.

Treatments in this system aim at reversing symptoms through diet, exercise, stress reduction, detoxification, lifestyle changes and other custom-designed interventions. In contrast to many holistic practitioners who base their treatments on traditions passed down through the generations, these practitioners derive their medical recommendations from intensive study of scientific journals - especially research that questions established protocols for drugs or surgery.

Training typically involves rigorous modules on the GI system, the effects of stress, the immune system, the endocrine system, inflammation, detoxification and more. Continuing education credits are available for chiropractors, naturopaths and acupuncturists, among others.

Functional Medicine is particularly helpful for chronically ill patients who have been to a succession of specialists, who each conclude "No problem" and have no answer for the question, "Then why do I feel so terrible?" No wonder patients are uncommonly grateful to have found someone who adheres to this philosophy, and no surprise that patients are often willing to travel long distances and wait several months to see a Functional Medicine practitioner.

For someone drawn to health care out of a desire to help people and alleviate suffering, Functional Medicine offers rich rewards.

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Catastrophic Medical Events - Ten Ways to Prevent Catastrophic Health Care

My family and I were celebrating the launching of an exciting joint family business venture. A nine hour ride, talking, planning, forecasting all the "next step" moments. We arrived in the city, and literally, just put suitcases in the house, and the phone rang. The news of a catastrophic illness, emergency operation, unexpected death are almost too large to digest in the mind, heart, and spirit. All are life altering, only the intensity of the situation changes.

My brother suffered a tragic head injury that the doctors expected to result in death immediately. It did not. Life changed dramatically for all of us who touched his life. We entered the world "called hospitals and medical professionals." Certainly this scenario isn't unique for my family only. I could be comforted if it were just us alone, as I'm not a proponent of misery loving company. But perhaps, we are not the only ones for whom sickness and/or disease has or is currently making massive withdrawals from the emotional, mental, and spiritual resources of people with an ill loved one. What do you do next? How do you continue breathing when you want to collapse also? How can you be supportive, an advocate, or coordinate medical care when all of your thoughts are on the "what if" question?

These are a few of the steps I took that made a drastic difference for all of us, starting first with his long road to recovery. Emotions: -- horror, terror, fear, anger, premature grief, paralysis are disconnected and certainly not uniform in either their appearance or length of stay. Give yourself permission to feel your emotions. However, don't expand the permission to be consumed by them. That's a luxury you don't have right now. Get two journals or notebooks-one to record all of the emotions that will regularly threaten to overflow your cup. Write! Write uncensored; just write. The second one is to keep track of procedures, services, medications, etc. You and your journal will become the bridge that ensures continuity of care between shifts, specialists, and possibly facilities.

The event itself is intimidating, and the first response is to retreat in deference to the expertise and training of the medical professionals in charge. This is the first error. The medical staff are not in charge. You are! Is this scary? Possibly. Is this a sign of mistrust of doctors or nurses? Absolutely NOT! This stance is clearly stating that you are a proactive participant and neither a spectator nor a bystander. This stance forces a conversation of more depth and discussion about choices, outcomes, and "what if" scenarios. You want conversations and a lot of them!

Now that conversations, not one, but many are beginning, what do you do next? You establish the expectation that you want them to make every detail painfully clear in a manner that you can understand. What if there are words, phrases that you don't understand like DNR, full code, palliative care, ICU, SICU, MICU, step down unit, occlude, SNF, acute hospital, {the list of medical jargon is virtually exhaustive}? What if your own career, professional training, or experience isn't in the health care field, how will you be an effective participant? Doctors and nurses provide patient care. Patient care includes providing clear information for the patient and/or caregiver to make informed choices. If something must be said multiple times for clarity, then they must say it multiple times, without the necessity of an apology from you for taking their time. I personally, rejected some treatments, and delayed others until I had absolute clarity about both the procedures and expected outcomes-positive and negative.

How do you accelerate your knowledge base rapidly and responsibly participate in managing the health care needs and services for a loved one or yourself? Do your own research. This is absolutely critical. Research falls into three categories, medical terms-diagnosis, medical terms-services, and medication. Use the internet between moments at the hospital to research information. does a nice job in providing an overview of medication and medical terms. Get a pocket pharmacology dictionary. This will be invaluable. If you can't leave the hospital, contact a local library and talk with a reference librarian. Give him or her the information you are seeking. They can convey it to you over the phone, fax it, copy it for you to pick up. I have found that librarians love to help others acquire information.

Relationship building with the nursing staff provides a fast and accurate way to learn quickly. Talk to them, not at them. You'll be amazed at the amount of time they will spend with you and their willingness to answer your questions. They know your first priority, and where your immediate focus lies. But, what a change in their attitude, tone, and conversation, when you take a moment to inquire about their well being also. My mother always said, "please and thank you will take you a long way in this world." Nurses, like doctors handle not just life and death circumstances daily, but life and death. A small seed of compassion for the weight they carry will reap more than a garden of benefits for you. LPN's and RN's, if you take the time to get to know them, will be priceless resources.

What if I want to consider alternative natural sources in addition to the prescribed course the doctor is following? Individuals each day face this question? They diligently seek information on other options when challenged to grapple with chronic medical needs, long term recovery, medication-benefits and side effects, less than favorable prognosis, and even alternative safe trusted homeopathic {natural} choices. It can be both a scary and difficult position, but one that doesn't have to either consume or overwhelm you. I think I must have unconsciously began to consider this option from the onset. So in addition to standard medical care, I decided to also use some safe reliable natural treatments while in the hospitals and longterm health care facilities.

Can you make certain that a catastrophic medical event doesn't result in catastrophic care? The answer is yes! One situation and one day at a time. You learn to pick your teams, dismiss teams, run countless "what if" scenario treatment options, and a host of other things OJT-while you're actively in the midst of everything. It was and still is on some days, tough. I took charge, or stated another way, took massive and immediate action, because this is what I do. This is what I assist others to do in both their personal and business lives. But the most important reason, is because my brother was counting on me. He knew I would be an immovable force on his behalf. Perhaps someone is counting on you. And, similarly, you won't let him or her down, either.

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Anxiété attaquer les médicaments, la meilleure aide pour l'anxiété et les attaques de panique

Vous les appelez hypocondriaques ? Le médecin a dit vous à plusieurs reprises qu'il n'y a rien de mal avec vous et vous retrouvez essoufflé, accompagnée d'autres symptômes comme des douleurs à la poitrine et chaude ou froide clignote, étourdissements très souvent ? Do you feel like mourir ? As-tu peur de sortir et même peur de rester enfermé dans une petite pièce ? Vous ne pouvez pas hypocondriaques. Peut-être vous souffrez d'attaques de panique. Quoi qu'il en soit, vous devriez visiter certains psychanalyste et obtenez cochée. Faire, mais ce que vous ne devez pas aller à l'auto médication. Certains de l'anxiété attaquent les médicaments, vous pouvez faire plus de mal que de bien.

Il y a beaucoup d'aide pour les attaques de panique sous forme de forums en ligne et des conversations en ligne. Vous devez atteindre ces gens et prendre tous les conseils dont vous avez besoin. Toutefois, vous devez penser deux fois avant de vous engager anxiété attaque de médicaments par Internet ou de la pharmacie. L'apport de médicaments d'attaque anxiété à la pharmacie ou la CAN internet s'interroge également, mais vous devez faire beaucoup de recherche afin de trouver les meilleurs médicaments pour vous quelques bonnes recherche vous pouvez rechercher les. :

* Internet
Livres médicaux
Revues médicales

Alors pourquoi contacter avec eux ? Ces gens offrent de l'aide pour les attaques de panique de plusieurs façons. Vous recevrez alors un pouvoir énorme lorsque vous savez que vous n'êtes pas seulement que vous n'êtes pas fou ou anormale d'aucune façon. Il est utile de savoir que votre attaque de panique aussi naturel que toute autre maladie, est que vous ne devez pas cacher de la société. Il est bon de savoir que beaucoup de gens ont surmonté attaque de panique et donc vous pouvez si vous. bref, ce genre de forum vous aide à résoudre les crises de panique plus efficacement. Vous devez également rechercher sur internet ? livres médicaux et des magazines en savoir plus sur l'attaque de panique.

Par conséquent, si vous vous sentez souvent soudaine et discrete période d'intense peur et montage d'anxiété qui peut vraiment voir un psychiatrique ne sont définis. N'oubliez pas ; Si vous avez besoin de prendre l'anxiété de médicaments prescrits obtenir par avec une psychiatrique ou un MD antonyme. Ils peuvent seulement prescrire ces médicaments. Certains des médicaments sont très addictifs et si vous devez être très prudent de prendre des médicaments, à moins qu'une personne compétente, elle écrit. D'autres peuvent seulement la thérapie trouble anxieux.

Il existe de nombreux médicaments de trouble d'anxiété sur le marché, qui vous fournira avec soulagement de 100 %. Après la prise de médicaments, vous ne devez pas reposer. Vous devez aider votre état mental en améliorant l'il. Vous pouvez choisir le traitement de troubles anxieux et vous certainement quelque soulagement de cet terrible état mental. Beaucoup croient que cette condition ne peut être corrigée. Dans une certaine mesure, il est vrai. Un soulagement pour les personnes souffrant de troubles anxieux, toutefois, est que vous pouvez garder sous contrôle.

Cependant, le diagnostic prend souvent plus longtemps que la cure parce que les symptômes donc très semblables à celles d'autres affections. Il arrive souvent, qu'un patient à la situation d'urgence de panique attaquer au lieu du département de psychiatrie. Il ne peut pas pu arriver à vous, mais il le fait souvent. Voici une liste de certains symptômes courants, dont au moins quatre doit s'accompagner d'une attaque de panique typique :

essoufflement o
o la transpiration
palpitations o
o nausées ou maux d'estomac
douleurs à la poitrine o ou inconfort
o se sentir étourdi et lumière hearted et faible
o Trem et en agitant
o engourdissement ou picotements
o chaude ou froide clignote
o sentiment d'unreal ou détaché de l'environnement
o la peur de mourir
peur de perdre le contrôle et crazy o

Il y en a plus que la même personne peut s'effritent sous la pression situation causée des dégâts considérables à l'opération. Une chose qui doit être comprise par tous les gens qui souffrent de crises d'anxiété est qu'ils doivent s'abstenir de situation de pression et de leur vie, comme il le fait normalement. Cela peut être très frustrant pour les patients souffrant de crises d'anxiété. Cependant, est un fait et la personne qui devrait panique ou l'anxiété s'attaque à venir au terme de cette réalité.

Parfois les médicaments d'attaque anxiété peuvent être très addictifs et par conséquent ils ne doivent pas être pris sur leur propre sans consultation psychiatre Ant. Aussi, n'oubliez pas de cette substance comme la caféine, l'alcool et les drogues illicites aggravent la situation et par conséquent ils devraient être évitées à tout prix. Vous pouvez communiquer avec ces associations et forums qui aident pour trouble panique. Vous obtenez beaucoup de stimulation morale de la connaissance, il y a d'autres personnes comme vous, et beaucoup d'entre eux déjà avec le traitement de droite ont surmonté.

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Commodity Futures Trading

Commodity trading involves the exchange of primary products. It can be the buying and selling of future contracts in Gold, Silver, Oil, Gas, Platinum, Copper, Zinc, Cotton, Wheat, Corn and many more physical products. These row commodities are bought and sold in standardized contracts. The products are uniform; one of its quantity or fraction serves the same purpose as any other. Considering the following cases - a barrel of oil, an ounce of gold, and a bushel of wheat - one is pretty much like another. The most extensively traded and most liquid commodities are Oil and Gold.

There are some differences also. This difference is owing to shipping costs, differences in composition, etc. For example, some oil does sell for a diverse price than that from another source. Commodities are usually traded in the form of futures. It can be also traded on spot markets, where the trading is happened immediately in exchange for cash or some other good.

Commodity futures trading, also known as commodity options trading, creates a contract to sell or buy the goods for a fixed price by a certain date in the future. This contract period is the major reason of the huge potential for profit and loss. Future trading also involves all the exciting aspects of trading, as it intrinsically occupies predictions of the future and consequently uncertainty and risk.

The commodity futures trading puts some obligations on the buyers and sellers. The buyer is responsible for taking delivery and paying for the cash commodity during a fixed time period. The seller is responsible for delivering the commodity, for which he/she will be paid the price that was decided in the exchange pit by the dealers.

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Equity Trades - Is the US Dollar Hurting Your Stocks?

Have you heard about how the US Dollar affects your equity trades? Do you know how to protect yourself? You will after you've read this article.

A powerful trend emerged over the last few years -

* When the US Dollar Index goes up, the stock market goes down.

* When the US Dollar Index goes down, the stock market goes up.

What's Happening?

Stocks are an asset - like any form of property.

* When the value of the US Dollar goes down, it takes more dollars to buy the same asset - stock prices rise.

* When the value of the US Dollar goes up, it takes fewer dollars to buy the same asset - stock prices fall.

Other assets work the same way. Commodities also rise and fall in the opposite direction from the US Dollar. Even collectibles like art and antiques can work that way too.

This trend hasn't always been with us. What's new is the speed the US Dollar changes value now. The Dollar has been bouncing up and down very fast. Currency rates usually change slowly. When big currency changes happen fast - in weeks instead of months or years - stocks are revalued just as fast.

* US economic uncertainties drive fast changes in US Dollar value.

* European and Asian economic uncertainties also drive fast changes in the value of the US Dollar relative to European and Asian currencies.

US government policies are pushing the US Dollar down, despite short-term bumps -

* Near-zero Federal Funds Rate.

* "Quantitative easing."

* The Federal Reserve Bank buying US Treasury debt with printed money.

* Federal stimulus spending.

* Rising Federal deficits.

The long-term trend of the US Dollar will stay down while these policies are in force.

How to Keep Your Equity Trades Safe

The basic problem is the uncertain value of the US Dollar.

So the basic solution is to diversify away from the US Dollar.

The two chief ways to cut your US Dollar risk and make safe money are -

Buy foreign assets.

Buy physical assets.

Foreign Assets

An equity trade done in a stronger currency than the US Dollar will keep you safe. For example -

* The Australian Dollar rose about 25% against the US Dollar in the last six months of 2010.

* So if you owned a share of Australian stock during those six months, the price could have gone down 25% in Australian Dollars without costing you anything in US Dollars.

* Most big US brokers now do equity trades on foreign exchanges.

Many big US companies make a lot of their money overseas. That protects them - and their shareholders - against a weak US Dollar.

* The average S&P 500 company earns 44% of its revenue overseas.

* Some examples - Intel 79%, Exxon Mobil 69%, McDonald's 65.5%, Proctor & Gamble 57%.

You can also just buy foreign currencies to balance your equity trades. There are several ways to do it -

* Buy FDIC-insured foreign-currency CDs from some US banks. Everbank does this.

* Buy currency ETFs. There are ETFS for the Australian and Canadian Dollars, the Euro, the British Pound Sterling, the Swiss Franc, the Swedish Krona, the Japanese Yen, and the Mexican Peso.

* Buy options or futures contracts on any foreign currency.

* Buy actual foreign currency through a foreign exchange dealer.

Physical Assets

Physical assets - things you can touch and that people use - keep their value. If the US Dollar goes down, physical assets will be worth more dollars. You can use lower-risk physical assets such as commodities to balance your higher-risk equity trades. Commodities include -

* Metals - gold, silver, platinum.

* Energies - oil, gas, ethanol.

* Grains - wheat, corn, oats, soybeans.

* Meats - cattle, hogs, pork bellies.

* "Softs" - cotton, orange juice, lumber.

There are several ways to buy commodities -

* Buy commodity ETFs. There are many such ETFs.

* Buy stock in commodity producers like oil drillers or gold miners.

* Buy stock in companies selling goods and services used by commodity producers.

* Equipment to operate mines and wells - drill rigs, tunneling equipment.

* Farm supplies - seed, fertilizer, insecticide.

* Commodity transport - tankers, pipelines, trains.

* Commodity storage - tanks, silos.

* Commodity trading services - commodity exchanges and information services.

The Big Question: What should you buy and when? How do you balance profit and safety to make safe money?

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Futures Trade and Futures Trading Business

American futures trading is an important part of the commerce of the American trading and stock investments for people around the world and to participate in American futures trading one must know that there are risks at all levels of trading and in all areas on the investment and trading platforms.

When trading futures you are basically speculating on the market of a particular commodity and wagering your investment in a way that you feel the market will eventually trend in the future. This investing process is known as futures trading as the title suggests.

The American futures trading deals primarily with commodities that are grown, developed, or made in the United States and its resources. Anyone worldwide may participate in the American futures trading market and do, but you should be apprised of the strengths and weaknesses of this business.

Even though the American futures trading is involved in U.S. products, the world market has definite effects on the outcomes of futures trading on a daily basis, so you must be aware that many factors go into the pricing of both buying and selling of the American futures trading transactions.

The futures trading market is not limited to any particular group of commodities. Futures are available in animals, vegetables, minerals and processed products, such as paper. If you have any in depth knowledge of a particular commodity, you may wish to begin your American trading of futures to that commodity and see how it is traded on the futures market. Futures again are a speculative business venture and what may be currently affecting a particular traded product may not be what is driving the futures pricing, so expand on your time line of what may be happening in the future rather than the current market.

There are numerous trading futures considered to be very advantageous and watched, traded, and speculated daily and some of the more recognized are the paper trade, paper trading, managed futures, futures research, online trading, free charts and quotes, hume course, soy beans, corn, natural gas, heating oil, wheat, gold, silver, top 500, hogs, orange juice, treasury bond, treasury bill, currencies, cocoa,l umber, sugar, euro dollar, euro, yen, indexes, soy meal, soy oil, canola, and platinum.

The risk of loss in trading futures and options can be considerable. Please be advised that futures and options trading may not be suited for everyone. You should carefully consider all risks in consideration of your financial condition when deciding whether to trade. You can sustain total loss of the initial margin funds and any additional funds that you deposit with your brokers to establish or maintain a position in the commodity futures market. We encourage you to ask plenty of questions prior to making any trades so that you have a full understanding of the risks involved.

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Gevaren van Fluoride- en massa medicatie rapportage

Mass medication through water systems of the world began in 1951 with fluoridation. The optimum level was originally set at the rate of 1 part per million (1ppm) and considered safe.Fluoridation of the public drinking water however has many risks and dangers.

The most obvious question we must ask in trying to assess the purpose of this unusual action taken to medicate the public water supplies, is to enquire as to its real purpose. Health authorities approved fluoridation ostensibly is for the improvement of the teeth of the people. The assumption is that fluoride will improve tooth enamel and that all people will require the same amount of this chemical regardless of their age.

Firstly there is irrefutable evidence from prominent medical researchers, showing this chemical that is sufficiently toxic as to have asserted its place as a rat poison, is also harmful to humans when ingested.

In spite of this, fluoride not only continues to be used in many chemical and even pharmaceutical products but has for decades been deliberately pumped into our Australian public water supplies in spite of extensive demonstrations of objection by groups and individuals. This has left a situation where those members of the community who do not wish to have the quality of their drinking water downgraded in this way must purchase water filters in their home, laboratories, factories and hospitals. Food processing and therapeutic products and industries have been particularly affected. It would be difficult to assess the negative damage to the health of the whole community.

Logical arguments have had no influence in changing the decisions of health departments and medical authorities on a national scale in Australia and will have not the power to do so as long as state governments retain the authority on health issues. Over the years, many scientists and individuals from many countries in the world have put forward their objections. These include the following points as a basis for their argument.....

Regarding the claimed benefit to dental health:

Firstly why should it be seen to be a priority over any other health issues prevalent in the community, such as heart trouble, cancer, diabetes and other diseases? Only a minute percentage of public water will be consumed by children in the suggested time frame when there is potential benefit to their developing teeth. In fact, over-dosing of fluoride produces irregularities in the enamel of children. Appreciating that the recommended safe dose is 1ppm but difficult to guarantee that pumping stations produce an accurate dilution of the toxin in amounts that are totally safe......and that a tube of toothpaste contains up to 1500 ppm and a can of commercial fruit juice contains about 2.8 ppm and mouth rinses from 230-900 ppm we can only conclude that the majority of people in western countries are probably over the toxic limit of ingestion of fluoride prior to any water content analysis. This factor alone leaves commercial enterprises open to exhaustive litigation as the councils and water authorities and even dentists. Gum irritations and allergies are common, not only in those using fluoride toothpaste but in drinking water and medical drugs that are fluorinated.

African American children are shown to be more susceptible to fluorosis or tooth mottling than whites. This demonstrates a need to consider racial constitution as a factor in mass medicine. Those who choose to medicate with fluoride and are persuaded it is to their dental benefit are free to do so through controlled tablet intake.


Need for Pure Water

It has always been acknowledged that pure water is the basis of good health so accent should be directed by responsible community guardians towards extracting any untoward elements in the water rather than injecting toxic substances into it, even at 1ppm. There is no way to demonstrate that there is any scientific way to control the amount of fluoride any individual will ingest through their water intake because of personal differences in habit, thus making it, along with any other proposed mass medication, an offence against medical principles.

Compulsory Medication is Unethical

To endure compulsory medication through water, the most essential element for health represents a pollution that offends both our aims to good health and is a crime against our democratic principles of personal freedom of choice.

Proven Dangers and Risks

Excessive fluoride or fluorine components in the body that can occur with certain medical drugs produce mild to extreme symptoms and even fatal consequences. The dangers are not only physical such as interfering with thyroid function but include extreme mental and emotional irregularities. This has been a line of research following outbreaks of violent and irrational behavior of young teenagers that have been demonstrated over the last years.

Obesity - Heart Disease - Kidney problems- Cancer -

Obesity is now reaching epidemic proportions in western countries. The toxic affect of fluoride upon the function of the thyroid gland is considered to be a causative factor. As aluminium cookware was last century considered a serious cause of cancer and dementia, fluoride toxicity is suspected of being a factor in this as in many other diseases such as bone deformation, premature aging and nerve and brain diseases. Seemingly co-incidental with fluoridation of water supplies in the twentieth century has been the explosion of cancer and other serious health issues.

Brain and Mental Disease

Many generally prescribed medications and drugs in western countries contain fluoride in considerable amount to make them questionable negative factors and suspected of being the cause of many allergies and conditions as serious as psychotic behavior, depression, and inhibited mental abilities. Warnings include many specific drugs such as Prozac, Luvoc, Lescol, Lipitor, Crestor, Baycol with the last having been removed from the American market after fatalities from adverse reactions.


Pregnant Women are advised to take no fluoride as it can damage brain function and hormones in the foetus.


Elderly are at equal risk as fluoridated water is indicated as a possible main cause of Alzheimer's and dementia.


Children have been harmed by fluoridation and medications containing flurorine and derivatives to the extent that the numerous cases have led to parents forming support groups to lobby for changes. Most recent research shows the link between fluoride and Asperger's disease and autism because of the accumulative lead component involved.

Political Tarnish:

Motivation for the introduction of tons of fluoride into public water supplies is tarnished by considerations that are politically rather than therapeutic in their aims. This is a subject that has been explored by some who seek a reason for such an extreme and illogical action such as fluoridation. Some go further to claim that the practice violates the Nuremberg code regarding restriction on human experimentation.

Industrial Pollution:

The practice is claimed as a convenient dumping ground for industrial wastes. Some believe that the aluminium and fertilizer industries that produce fluoride as a by-product found a convenient and profitable disposal of toxic waste in the public water supply. Fluoride buried in the earth kills plant life. In the air kills stock. In the water...?


There is an almost overwhelming amount of evidence accumulating in scientific journals and forums warning of the dangers and risks of our present water fluoridation system upon health. It is widely accepted that it is unsafe a method and entirely uncontrollable in dosage. The factor of chemical allergy and damage to physiological function also give cause for great concern. On these issues there are many doctors and scientists adding their voice and is best said by Dr Arvid Carlsson, Nobel Prize winner for Medicine (2000). "I am quite convinced that water fluoridation, in a not-too-distant future, will be consigned to medical history...Water fluoridation goes against leading principles of pharmacotherapy, which is progressing from a stereotyped medication - of the type 1 tablet 3 times a day - to a much more individualized therapy as regards both dosage and selection of drugs. The addition of drugs to the drinking water means exactly the opposite of an individualized therapy."

Dr Peter Mansfield physician from UK and member of the advisory board to the government review of fluoridation (2000) states...

"No physician in his right senses would prescribe for a person he has never met, whose medical history he does not know, a substance which is intended to create bodily change, with the advice: 'Take as much as you like, but you will take it for the rest of your life because some children suffer from tooth decay.' It is a preposterous notion." The very existence of an organization 'Parents of Fluoride Poisoned Children', founded by Andreas Schuld, a recognized leading expert on fluorides, says enough.

International Consent/Dissent:

The International Dental Federation (FDI) first recommended water fluoridation in 1951. In Europe, since that date it is estimated that more than 53 million people who endured water fluoridation for years are now free of its pollution. Many countries have now ceased the practice. There are now only 6 countries where the people are still compelled to drink fluoridated water: USA, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Columbia and Singapore.

Australia - fluoridation, in spite of hot protest and many public demonstrations is now in many states. At one time the Tasmanian government sought to pass a Bill to "Prohibit public meetings on fluoridation." Our Australian Constitution allows 'the provision of..medical and dental services, but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription.' On this basis in time fluoridation and any further attempt at mass medication will be banned.

Austria - Some report fluoride has never been added to the water supply but others say in 1956. and that caries in children decreased after stopping in 1973.

Belgium -on the basis that drinking water is not the place to deliver medicinal treatment to people fluoridation was never accepted

Canada -The Green Party of Canada seeks to end water fluoridation in Canada by introducing legislation that will ban fluoridation in Canada at the federal level, effectively overriding any and all local mandates that say otherwise. At present fluoridation of water is in current use but remains a highly controversial issue.

Japan introduced in 1952, stopped 1972 with subsequent rejection of artificial fluoridation. Sweden introduced in 1952 and withdrawn 1971 Sweden banned fluorides in drinking water, toothpaste and food.

Norway - In the later 1990's decision was taken against ever fluoridating the water

Finland introduced 1959 in one town stopped 1993 for the right of individual freedom to enjoy pure water.

Netherlands introduced 1953 withdrawn 1976 after legal ruling of the Supreme Court that there was no legal basis for fluoridation.

China- Fluoridation is banned

Czech Republic - since 1993 no treatment with fluoride has taken place on the basis of it being uneconomical, against ecological patterns, unethical, and its toxicological influence debatable.

Denmark - No Danish city has ever been fluoridated

European Union Less than 2% of the drinking water in Europe is fluoridated.

France - Fluoride is not added to treatment of water for ethical as well as medical reasons.

Germany introduced 1952 and withdrawn in 1971. It is now banned as unethical. German Democratic Republic introduced in 1959 and withdrawn 1990.

Greece - has never fluoridated water, perhaps in order to retain democratic freedom?

Hungary - once fluoridated but ceased in 1960's and now chooses to remain so.

India - has been working hard to eliminate naturally occurring fluorides from drinking water that is high in the natural groundwater. 17 of its 32 states are afflicted with people suffering crippling skeletal fluorosis without adding more toxic material.

Israel - after serious study and recent suspension of mandatory fluoridation in 2006, it is now rejected.

Italy -has strict laws against adding fluorides to drinking water.

New Zealand - is in two minds and is recently urging promotion of fluoridation.

Northern Ireland - for a short period only fluoridation in two localities but later ceased.

Scotland - never had fluoridation been introduced and in 2004 plans to add fluoride to the country's water system continued to be rejected.

Spain- a few areas practiced fluoridation of the water supplies

Switzerland in 2003 the country voted to cease Basel's water fluoridation program that had been functioning for about 40 years.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics introduced 1960 stopped 1990

United States of America 60% of the States fluoridate their water but 200 cities have withdrawn it.

UK- fluoridation is considered by many who are fighting for its ban, to be illegal medical research. They argue that its implementation is against freedom and constitutional rights of the individual. Against all opposition, efforts of health agencies continue to push for further fluoridation of Britain, with the same power as occurred at a critical time before decision to join the European Union and surrender of the national will to its dictates.

From the information which is available to us all on the internet, the problems are considerable and cannot be commented on in detail enough to satisfy our enquiry here. There are about 202,000 postings on the dangers of fluoridation and 432,000 and 727 videos on the subject on the side effects of fluoridation, presenting us with a considerable amount of data to consider if we wish to explore this controversial matter for ourselves and assess without bias the reports of professionals.

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How to Get Started Trading ETFs

As with any investments, it is important to understand the product you are using in your portfolio. So before you decide to include ETFs in your investment strategy, you should understand the basics about Exchange Traded Funds or ETFs. I always say, "Know your tools!"

Know the Basic Definition of an ETF

ETF stands for Exchange Traded Fund. It is a fund that tracks an index, but can be traded like a stock. ETFs always bundle together the securities that are in an index; they never track actively managed mutual fund portfolios (because most actively managed funds only disclose their holdings a few times a year, so the ETF would not know when to adjust its holdings most of the time). Investors can do just about anything with an ETF that they can do with a normal stock, such as short selling. Because ETFs are traded on stock exchanges, they can be bought and sold at any time during the day (unlike most mutual funds). Their price will fluctuate from moment to moment, just like any other stock's price, and an investor will need a broker in order to purchase them, which means that he/she will have to pay a commission. On the plus side, ETFs are more tax-efficient than normal mutual funds, and since they track indexes they have very low operating and transaction costs associated with them. There are no sales loads or investment minimums required to purchase an ETF. The first ETF created was the Standard and Poor's Deposit Receipt (SPDR, pronounced "Spider") in 1993. SPDRs gave investors an easy way to track the S&P 500 without buying an index fund, and they soon become quite popular.

Know the Benefits and Risks of ETFs

Once you have an understanding about ETFs, you can learn how they work to your advantage. Understanding the benefits of ETFs will help you utilize the correct investment strategy when including exchange traded funds in your portfolio.

It is equally important to understand the disadvantages of ETFs. Before you buy or sell any investment product you need to know all the limitations of the asset. You don't want to have any misconceptions about an investment's performance and you need to understand all the risks involved. Here are some good articles to help you understand the pros and cons of ETFs.

Learn About the Different Types of ETFs

There is no shortage of ETFs. There are multiple Exchange Traded Funds for indexes, sectors, styles, and regions. It can be a little overwhelming, but if you have a better understanding of the major types of ETFs, it will help you narrow down which kind of funds will fit your investing strategy. Here are some of the major ETFs we here at Fusion Trading use:


1. S&P500 SPDR's - SPY

2. PowerShares QQQ - QQQQ

3. ProShares Ultra Dow30 - DDM

4. ProShares Ultra Oil&Gas - DIG

5. PowerShares Gold Double Long - DGP

6. Direxion Large Cap Bull 3x Shares - BGU

7. Direxion Energy Bull 3x Shares - ERX

8. Direxion Technology Bull 3x Shares - TYH

Inverse ETFs

1. Short S&P500 ProShares - SH

2. ProShares Short QQQ - PSQ

3. ProShares UltraShort Dow30 - DXD

4. ProShares UltraShort Oil&Gas - DUG

5. PowerShares Gold Double Short - DZZ

6. Direxion Large Cap Bear 3x Shares - BGZ

7. Direxion Energy Bear 3x Shares - ERY

8. Direxion Technology Bear 3x Shares - TYP

Small list, big profit potential!

Decide On the Best ETF Investing Strategy

Are you investing in ETFs to gain exposure to a market sector? Are you using ETFs as a hedge against foreign risk? Do you want to trade ETF derivatives against your positions? Are you using fundamental analysis or technical analysis? Are you going to use a day, swing or position trading strategy? Are you going to use a trend or range trading strategy? Are you going to take advantage of Inverse ETFs? Before you adding ETFs to your portfolio, you need to decide why you are investing in the funds. Only then can you decide which ETF trading strategy is the best fit for your portfolio.

We here at Fusion Trading International use and strongly recommend Technical Trading. We primarily use a trend trading strategy mixed with a secondary counter-trend trading strategy. We use these strategies for day, swing and position trading. You must take advantage of all three if you want to increase your chances of success! You will learn all of these strategies and more...don't waste another minute without taking advantage of this amazing training program!

Take Control of Your Financial Future Today

Email me personally to receive your FREE "Guide to Creating a Professional Trading Plan"

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How Does Commodity Futures Day Trading Work?

What is commodity futures day-trading? Day-trading strategies are unique mechanical methods for entering a liquid commodity market early in the trading day and exiting some time later in the same day for a profit. Keith Fitschen has developed a family of day-trading strategies for the commodity markets that use the same basic market principle to gain systematic profits. The basic methodology uses multiple timeframe analysis to determine the likely trend for each market early in the trading day. When the likely trend is determined, entry is made in the direction of the trend. Trade exit is made in one of three ways: a stop loss point is hit (and the trade is a loss), a profit target point is hit (and the trade is a windfall profit), or the exit is made at the end of the trading day, usually for a profit.

Keith Fitschen's commodity futures day-trading methods are used in the most liquid commodities in each group: for the grains, wheat and soybeans can be traded; for the softs, coffee can be traded; for the currencies, the yen and euro-currency can be traded; for the metals, copper, gold, and silver can be traded; for the energies, crude oil, heating oil, and reformulated gas can be traded; for the financials, 10-year notes can be traded;, and for the stock indices, the S&P 500, the Russell 2000, and the German DAX can be traded.

Traditionally, the problem with futures day-trading strategies has been transaction costs: slippage and commission. These costs severely ate into the profit that could be made on a day-trade. But with the advent of deep discount brokers, and electronic trading, commission for a trade can be less than $10, and slippage for a trade can be as low as one or two ticks. This evolution has caused a number of successful trading system designers to promote day-trading strategies. Keith Fitschen's strategies are unique because they use the same market approach across all the groups, and because the strategy "works" on all the liquid commodities. This type of day-trading leads to an average profit-per-trade of about $150 across all the commodities, and a winning percentage of about 55 percent.

Normally, successful day-trading strategies have been sold to the public for $3,000, or more. This high bar to entry reduces the funds available for trading for a typical trader. Keith Fitschen's day-trading strategies are offered for a monthly lease fee. This allows a trader to avoid the large upfront expense and spread it over a long period of time, while retaining the right to stop at any time. This means of gaining access to the trading signals is certainly an advantage over the traditional approach.

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How to Make Money Online Through Forex Trading

Forex Trading is all about buying and selling of foreign currencies. These foreign currencies are traded in pairs e.g. EUR/USD, EUR/JPY etc. the most important thing to know in Trading is: Buy, when the market depreciates, and Sell, when the market appreciates. there are two ways to determine which currency to trade and whether to go long (Buy), or go short (Sell): Economic analysis and Technical analysis.

Economic analysis deals with Market Event alert that helps traders monitor scheduled market events throughout the Trading sessions. Most often, a trader does not have time to watch all events that can cause market to react. Market Event alert allows you to prepare yourself ahead of an event, to read pre-event analysis and commentaries and, if the event is to be followed with the release of economic data, to compare the data with the previous values. News and live discussions on chat channels, provided through the client application, are there to help you better understand these events.

On the other hand, technical analysis deals with indicators within the client terminal that helps traders to spot a trend during a market session. more common indicators include: stochastic, R.S.I, R.V.I, Moving Averages, candle sticks, etc.

Candlestick analysis is fast becoming the best tool in technical analysis because it enables traders to spot trends easily. Buy When the market is bullish, i.e. when the candle is white; and sell when the candle is empty or shaded. when the candle is going up, it means that the market is selling, therefore a good trader will go long(Buy). When the candle is coming down, it means the market is buying, therefore a good trader will sell that currency pair.

To start Trading Forex, you must be registered with a broker. There are countless number of Forex brokers online to choose from, and they only charge their commission through the spread. A spread is simply the difference between the bid and ask price. In Forex Trading, profits are calculated by the marginal pip increment. A pip is the smallest unit of a currency pair. Margin is the amount of money that is required of you from your broker on or before you start Trading. Different brokers offer different margin rates and leverages to their traders. The leverage is the amount of money that the broker is willing to offer you with, so that you can trade the highly voluminous Forex market. Other instruments that are trade-able are Gold, Silver, Oil and Gas, and Platinum, stocks, futures, etc. The list just goes on and on.

Forex Trading is no big deal like some traders emphasize, you can start making money immediately if you can relax in the comfort of your room for 30 minutes and analyze the market carefully with the tools discussed above.

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