Figures and tables from this article:
Fig. 1. Schematic representation. (a) Single neuron with vector input. (b) One-layer network with m neurons.View Within ArticleFig. 2. Transfer functions. (a) Log-sigmoid. (b) Tan-sigmoid. (c) Hard limit. (d) Linear.View Within ArticleFig. 3. Extraction of the 4-elements features vector from EEG epoch. PSD – power spectral density, d, ?, a, ß – delta, theta, alpha and beta bands, respectively, drel, ?rel, arel, ßrel – relative power values for delta, theta, alpha and beta bands, respectively.View Within ArticleTable 1. Summary of artificial neural network (ANN) based systems for sleep scoring. BP: backpropagation, EEG: electroencephalogram, EMG: electromyogram, EOG: electrooculogram (LEOG, REOG: left, right EOG, respectively), FC: fully connected, FT: Fourier transform, MLNN: multilayer neural network, MLP: multilayer perceptron, MT: movement time, RatP: ratio power, REM, rapid eye movement, RMS: root mean square, RP: relative power, RUM, LM: Rumelhart (gradient descent without momentum) and Levenberge-Marquardt learning algorithm, respectively, S1, S2, S3 and S4: see section “Polygraphic data and visual sleep scoring” for definitions, SD: standard deviation, SOM: self-organizing map, SWS: slow wave sleep, TP: total power, W: wakefulness, WT: wavelet transform. Description of sleep stages is according to R&K and AASM.View Within ArticleTable 2. Output neurons of proposed artificial neural network models. REM: rapid eye movement, S*: stage involving four stages of non-REM sleep (other sleep stages are according to R&K), S1, S2, S3 and S4: see section “Polygraphic data and visual sleep scoring” for definitions, W: wakefulness.View Within ArticleTable 3. Results of sleep scoring obtained by proposed artificial neural network (ANN) models. EEG: electroencephalogram, REM: rapid eye movement, RP, relative power, S: stage involving the four stages of non-REM and REM sleep, S*: stage involving the four stages of non-REM sleep (other sleep stages are according to R&K), S1, S2, S3 and S4: see section “Polygraphic data and visual sleep scoring” for definitions, W: wakefulness.View Within ArticleCopyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.prs.rt('data_end');
Fritz - Monfils EN DIRECT
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