Figures and tables from this article:
Table 1. Summary table of study characteristics. N = 30 studies (1995-2010).Abbreviations: CVD = cardiovascular disease; DM = diabetes; DM2 = type 2 diabetes; dx = diagnosis; IGT = impaired glucose tolerance: IRLSSG = international restless legs syndrome study group; Min freq/sev = minimum frequency and/or severity; pts = patients; pts = patients; VA = veterans administration; w/ = with.View Within ArticleTable 2. Relation of RLS to cardiovascular disease. Summary of study characteristics and findings (N = 15 studies published between 1995 and 2010).Abbreviations: appt = appointment; ARIC = atherosclerosis risk in communities; BOLD = the burden of obstructive lung diseases study; BP = blood pressure; btwn = between; CAD = Coronary artery disease; CHF = congestive heart failure; CHS = cardiovascular health study; condn = condition; CVD = cardiovascular disease; DM = diabetes mellitus; DM2 = type 2 diabetes; dx = diagnosis; ECA = epidemiologic catchment area; F=female; FBG = fasting blood glucose; FHS = framingham heart study; Freq = frequency; Hgb = hemoglobin; HPFS = health professionals follow-up study; HTN = hypertension; hx = history; ICD = International Classification of Diseases; ICSD = international classification of sleep disorders; IRLS = international RLS study group rating scale; IRLSSG = international restless legs syndrome study group; M = male; MEMO = the memory and morbidity in augsburg elderly study; MI = myocardial infraction; MONICA = monitoring trends and determinants in CVD survey-Augsburg; n’s = numbers; NC-FP-RN = north carolina family practice research network; NHS II = nurses health study II; NSF = national sleep foundation poll; NY cohorts = new york hypertension cohorts; OR = odds ratio (95% Confidence Interval); pt = patient; RLS = restless legs syndrome; SDB = sleep disordered breathing; SHHS = sleep heart health study; SHS = strong heart study; SPAR = the official database covering the total population of Sweden; Sx = symptoms; TG = triglycerides; Tucson cohorts = tucson epidemiologic study of airways obstructive diseases and the health and environment study; tx = treatment; VA = veterans administration; w/ = with; w/o = without.*Calculated from data provided in paper.View Within ArticleTable 3. Relation of RLS to hypertension: Summary of study characteristics and findings (N = 17 studies published between 1995 and 2010).Abbreviations: appt = appointment; ARIC = atherosclerosis risk in communities; BOLD = the burden of obstructive lung diseases study; BP = blood pressure; btwn = between; CHF = congestive heart failure; CHS = cardiovascular health study; condn = condition; CVD = cardiovascular disease; DBP = diastolic blood pressure; DM = diabetes mellitus; DM2 = type 2 diabetes; DM1 = type 1 diabetes; dx = diagnosis; ECA = epidemiologic catchment area; F=female; FBG = fasting blood glucose; FHS = framingham heart study; Freq = frequency; Hgb = hemoglobin; HPFS = health professionals follow-up study; HTN = hypertension; hx = history; ICD9CM = international classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification; ICSD = international classification of sleep disorders; IRLS = international RLS study group rating scale; IRLSSG = international restless legs syndrome study group; M = male; MEMO = the memory and morbidity in augsburg elderly study; MI = myocardial infarction; MONICA = monitoring trends and determinants in CVD survey-Augsburg; n’s = numbers; NC-FP-RN = north carolina family practice research network; NHS II = nurses health study II; NSF = national sleep foundation poll; NY cohorts = new york hypertension cohorts; OR = odds ratio (95% Confidence Interval); Pt = patient; RLS = restless legs syndrome; SBP = systolic blood pressure; SDB = Sleep disordered breathing; SHHS = sleep heart health study; SHS = strong heart study; SPAR = the official database covering the total population of Sweden; Sx = symptoms; TG = triglycerides; Tucson cohorts = tucson epidemiologic study of airways obstructive diseases and the health and environment study; tx = treatment; VA = veterans administration; w/ = with; w/in = within; w/o = without.* Calculated from data provided in paper.View Within ArticleTable 4. Relation of RLS to diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance: Summary of study characteristics and findings (N=26 studies (1995-2010)).Abbreviations: appt = appointment; ARIC = atherosclerosis risk in communities; BG = blood glucose; BMI = body mass index; BOLD = the burden of obstructive lung diseases study; BP = blood pressure; btwn = between; CHF = congestive heart failure; CHS = cardiovascular health study; condn = condition; CVD = cardiovascular disease; DM = diabetes mellitus; DM1 = type 1 diabetes; DM2 = type 2 diabetes; dx = diagnosis; ECA = epidemiologic catchment area; F=female; FBG = fasting blood glucose; FHS = framingham heart study; Freq = frequency; Hgb = hemoglobin; HOMA = homeostasis model assessment; HPFS = health professionals follow-up study; HTN = hypertension; hx = history; ICD9CM = international classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification; IGT = impaired glucose tolerance; ICSD = international classification of sleep disorders; IGR = impaired glucose regulation; IGT = impaired glucose tolerance; IRLS = international RLS study group rating scale; IRLSSG = international restless legs syndrome study group; M = male; MEMO = the memory and morbidity in augsburg elderly study; MONICA = monitoring trends and determinants in CVD survey-Augsburg; NC-FP-RN = north carolina family practice research network; NHS II = nurses health study II; NSF = national sleep foundation poll; NY cohorts = new york hypertension cohorts; OGTT = oral glucose tolerance test; OR = odds ratio (95% Confidence Interval); pts = patients; RLS = restless legs syndrome; SDB = sleep disordered breathing; SHHS = sleep heart health study; SHS = Strong heart study; SPAR = the official database covering the total population of Sweden; Sx = symptoms; TG = triglycerides; Tucson cohorts = tucson epidemiologic study of airways obstructive diseases and the health and environment study; tx = treatment; VA = veterans administration; w/ = with; w/in = within; w/o = without.*Calculated from data provided in table.View Within ArticleTable 5. Relation of RLS to obesity, weight gain, and dyslipidemia: Summary of study characteristics and findings (N=18 studies with data on the association of RLS to obesity/weight gain, 7 studies with data on the association of RLS to lipid profiles).Abbreviations: appt = appointment; ARIC = atherosclerosis risk in communities; BMI = body mass index; BOLD = the burden of obstructive lung diseases study; BP = blood pressure; btwn = between; CHF = congestive heart failure; CHS = cardiovascular health study; condn = condition; CVD = cardiovascular disease; DM = diabetes mellitus; DM1 = type 1 diabetes; DM2 = type 2 diabetes; dx = diagnosis; ECA = epidemiologic catchment area; F=female; FBG = fasting blood glucose; FHS = framingham heart study; Freq = frequency; Hgb = hemoglobin; HPFS = health professionals follow-up study; HTN = hypertension; hx = history; ICSD = international classification of sleep disorders; IRLS = intl RLS study group rating scale; IRLSSG = international restless legs syndrome study group; M = male; MEMO = the memory and morbidity in augsburg elderly study; MI = myocardial infarction; MONICA = Monitoring trends and determinants in CVD survey-Augsburg; NC-FP-RN = north carolina family practice research network; NHS II = nurses health study II; NSF = national sleep foundation poll; NY cohorts = new york hypertension cohorts; OGTT = oral glucose tolerance test; OR = odds ratio (95% confidence interval); RLS = restless legs syndrome; SDB = sleep disordered breathing; SHHS = sleep heart health study; SHS = strong heart study; SPAR = the official database covering the total population of Sweden; Sx = symptoms; TG = triglycerides; Tucson cohorts = tucson epidemiologic study of airways obstructive diseases and the health and environment study; tx = treatment; VA = veterans administration; w/ = with; w/o = without.*Calculated from data provided in paper.View Within ArticleCopyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. 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