Fatty acids in formula does not make children smarter http://goo.gl/FYyVX -polyunsaturated fatty acids, long chain http://goo.gl/1WVjY
Electronic health records linked to worse diabetes care compared to old-fashioned paper records (studio) http://goo.gl/vm2mR
Be sleepy behind the wheel is almost as bad as drinking and driving (studio) http://goo.gl/Ub9hu
Study: seniors have special smell, but it is not unpleasant as stereotype implies http://goo.gl/7bHfv
If we're going to think of exercise as a therapeutic intervention, as all the speeches there will be adverse effects http://goo.gl/unjJS
DrotAA in septic Shock-graph clearly shows the lack of benefit from rh activated drotrecogin alfa protein C, http://goo.gl/bCktn
The emerging threat of incurable gonococcal infection-what to do if allergic to PCN, cephalosporins? NEJM http://goo.gl/fwFq3
Gallup tracks the mood of the United States every day, only 41% were happy on June 7, 2012 http://goo.gl/Pn0lz
Drowning-free review of current concepts, NEJM 2012 http://goo.gl/xSqLu
Intensive enough? Intensive care unit (ICU) began in the 1950s, staffing models continue to be controversial http://goo.gl/2rZNk
Men vs. women: whose offices are Germier? The study confirms the suspicion: men are "major" source of bacteria compared to women http://goo.gl/JkzF5
Reply residents must now standards: 41% reported worse education-NEJM http://goo.gl/leaC4
Articles were selected from my streams of Twitter and Google Reader. Feel free to send suggestions for articles to clinicalcases@gmail.com and you will receive the confirmation in the next edition of this publication.
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